
12.08.2014Spaska Petrova has been appointed Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy


Spaska Petrova was appointed Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy by order of Prime Minister George Bliznashki on August 12, 2014. She will be responsible about social policies and social inclusion.

Spaska Petrova is one of the most prominent Roma activists in Bulgaria, working as an expert for the "New Road" Organization - Hayredin. She holds a BA in Primary School Education from "St.St. Cyril and Methodius" University of Veliko Turnovo, a Master in "Public Administration" from Sofia University and an MA in "Financial Management in the Public Sector" from the Economy Academy of Svishtov.

From 2003 to 2007 Spaska Petrova worked as a Deputy Mayor of Hayredin municipality, Vratsa region leading the portfolios in social work, education and investment policy, preparing and organizing the implementation of long-term policies, development strategies and so on. She has more than 10 years of experience in the NGO sector as a coordinator and manager of projects aimed at the educational integration, community development, social entrepreneurship and experience in developing and implementing programs for Roma integration.

In 2006 - 2007 г. Spaska Petrova was a member of the Civic Council to the Minister for European Affairs. Since 2011 she has been a member of the Supervisory Board of the National Network for Children, and in 2013 became chair of the Supervisory Board of the NNC. From 2012 to 2013 she was a member of the Interministerial Working Group for resource support of Roma integration with resources from the EU funds. Since 2012 she is a member of the working group for the OP "Good Governance. Since 2014 "she has been a member of the working group for the development of an operational program co-financed by EU funds for the most vulnerable from 2014 to 2020.

Spaska Petrova is one of the leading experts in Bulgaria for social entrepreneurship and social inclusion of Roma and other vulnerable groups. Besides being an expert of the "New Road" - Hayredin, she has participated as an expert in community development and social entrepreneurship projects in the municipality of Byala Slatina, the "Open Society" Institute, Center "Amalipe" and other organizations. Social enterprise "Bee" which Spaska Petrova has developed is one of the 13 best practices for cooperation between NGOs and municipalities in the area of ​​policies for children and families identified by the Embassy of France, the National Association of Municipalities in Bulgaria (NSORB) and NNC.


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