
15.02.2015More than 200 schools supported the proposals to Public Education Act for three days only

Only for three days 214 schools supported the PROPOSALS TO THE ADOPTED AT FIRST READING LAW FOR THE PRESCHOOL AND SCHOOL EDUCATION. The count of the supporting schools is increasing in each minute as it already exceeds one tenth of all schools in Bulgaria.

The proposals are aimed at granting guarantees for improving the quality of education, preserving and developing the primary schools and the schools in the rural regions. This includes requesting 8th grade to remain in the primary level of education, not allowing the early enrolment (5th grade) in the specialized secondary schools, defining the category “school, that is singular in the settlement” for facilitating the reintegration in the school for dropped out students and for Bulgarian children also, who travel abroad with their families, not allowing segregation on Ethnic principle. The entire text of the proposal you can see here. Proposals would be applied in the Committee on Education and Science to the National Assembly on 20th of February aiming ot include them to the second reading of the Law for School and Preschool Education.


Center “Amalipe” thanks all who supported our request! We appeal to all schools and organizations to support our proposals by sending a supporting e-mail to until 19th February

Let us give a chance to the primary schools (particularly to those, who are located in the small settlements and in the rural area) to exist and give qualitative education to hundreds of children. Join us!


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