
28.04.2008International Romani women seminar took place in Sofia


More than 20 Roma women from Central and Eastern Europe took part in the training “Human rights: rights of Roma. Advocacy in the field of healthcare”.

The training took place in Sofia from 14 -20 of April and it was organized by European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) and Open Society Institute – Budapest. Center “Amalipe” was implementing partner of the initiative from Bulgarian side.

During 6 days the participants from Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Romania, Hungary, together with the lecturers from USA and Great Britain discussed the problems of Roma healthcare and the discrimination prevention by sex and ethnic origin. The Romani women presented important parts of the normative documents of their countries which were about the antidiscrimination and the protection of human rights. They took active role not only as student but also as lecturers presenting their experience.

Bulgarian representatives on the international forum were Milena Ilieva from “World without borders”, Maryana Borisova from “LARGO” and Julieta Evtimova from “Integro” Association. In the end of the training they shared that the exchange of experience in this field was useful for them. They were determined to help Roma and Romani women to use the opportunities provided by Bulgarian legislation in the fields of discrimination and healthcare and to exercise completely their citizens rights.

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