
19.07.2008Workshops for promoting the EUMAP report Equal Access to Quality Education for Roma


School principals from Central North Region of Bulgaria discussed opportunities for educational integration of Roma children, for equal access to quality education and intercultural education within the delegated school budgets. This happened during special workshop organized by Center Amalipeon July 18, 2008 in Veliko Turnovo. More that 40 school principals from Veliko Turnovo, Russe, Gabrovo and Lovetz Districts attended the workshop.

The EUMAP report “Equal Access to Quality Education for Roma ” and the ways its conclusions could be applied within the delegated school budgets were the main accents of the workshop. The outputs and outcomes of the delegated school budgets introduction on the educational integration of Roma children, intercultural education as well as the opportunities for Roma culture classes under the delegated school budgets were some of the main topics discussed. Opportunities for financing activities for educational integration through the Center for Educational Integration of the Ministry of Education and Science and through the new schemes of Human Resources Development Operational Program were also presented.


Similar workshops took place on July 15 in Shumen (with participation of school principals from North Eastern Region) and in Burgas (for school principals from South Eastern Region)

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