
02.09.2008Training of trainers from Razgrad District


Twenty-eight representatives of structures of the civil society from Razgrad District passed 5-days training of trainers. Most of them came from Roma community-based organizations; representatives of Turkish and Bulgarian NGOs, trade-unions and employer organizations also took part in the training. It was organized by Integro Association within a project financed by Administrative Capacity Operational Program. The training took place in Targovishte from 27 to 31 of August.

Both lecturers Teodora Krumova and Biser SAlekov used various interactive techniques to train the participants in all skills necessary for them to become trainers. It is envisaged that all participants will pass two more training: management of NGO and advocacy. Kamen Makaveev, Kadrin Hasanov and Deyan Kolev will be lecturers in these trainings.

“The participants did a perfect job, they were active and managed to learn everything we intended to train them in. – shared Teodora Krumova – It is extremely important that they want to learn practical issues about advocacy and lobby in order to be real partner of the local and national institutions in the decision-making process”.


Out of the training schedule, the participants took part in a discussion about the challanges and the problems before Roma integration. It was moderated by Deyan Kolev, deputy-chair of the National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Demographic Issues. The participants discussed the process of preparing new Framework Program for Roma Integration. According to them one of the biggest problems that disturb Roma integration at local level is the so-called “municipal feudalism” at some places: the concentration of all powers in a closed circle of persons who deny partnership with civil society organizations, informal groups and leaders and who disregard the national strategies for Roma integration. According to participants it is necessary municipalities to play crucial role in the implementation of the new Framework Program and to receive financing from the central state budget for this. But at the same time it is necessary imperative partnership from Roma NGOs and local Roma communities to be required. Mechanisms for control by the side of the national institutions are also necessary.

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