
16.01.2009More than 150 children celebrated Vasilitsa - the Roma New Year in Veliko Turnovo

On 13 January, in the eve of Vasilitsa – The Roma New Year the celebrations of the feast was organized for seventh time by Center Amalipe. More than 150 children from the municipalities of Veliko Tarnovo and Elena took part in the concert dedicated to Vasilitsa which took place in the hall of the City Council in the old capital.

The pupils from the villages of Vodoley, Balvan, Ledenik, Konstantin and Maysko and also from three school in Veliko Turnovo - “P. R. Slaveykov”, “Vela Blagoeva” and “G.S.Rakovski” presented their interpretation of the feast celebration in the different Roma groups, of different tales, songs and dances. The beautiful colorful clothes of the children and the music of the two Roma bands “Dallas” from Vodoley and the “Young reporters” from Zlataritza made the audience explode with applauses.

The celebration this year was organized within the project “Introduction of intercultural education and equal access to quality education in Veliko Turnovo Municipality” financed by Human Resources Development Operational program. Co-organizer and patron of the event was Veliko Turnovo Municipality. All the participants were welcomed by the deputy-mayor of Veliko Turnovo and the deputy district governor. The children received many presents from the organizers – Center Amalipe and Veliko Turnovo Municipality.

We have managed to built a tradition celebrating this feast with the children. Students and teachers shows the best of themselves on the scene and we are happy that every year the celebration is bigger and bigger.” – Teodora Krumova, Deputy-chair of Center Amalipe shared.


You can find more pictures from the celebration here










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