
09.09.2016Registration of extracurricular activities within Your lesson has started: how it will be financed?


Those wishing to provide extracurricular activities can now register theirselves and the offered extracurricular activities and products - to the web portal of the project "Your lesson." Providers of extracurricular activities could be schools and entities (NGOs, community centers, sports clubs, etc.), as well as individuals. Registration is simple and takes a few minutes: the place of providing activities should be indicated (village, municipality, district), the duration of the activity, minimum and maximum number of students in the group, and a brief description of the proposed activity. It is important to indicate the type of activity (or activities of interest to overcome learning difficulties), thematic area and subarea - classified as indicated on the web portal.


At the same time the demand for extracurricular activities will also be registered. For this purpose, schools will conduct interviews with students and will summarize the demanded activities on thematic areas and sub-areas. Each student will indicate several types of activites.


The deadline for registration of demand and provided activities is 7 October and the site is:


The  demanded and provided activities for each school will determine what specific extracurricular activities will be held in it. Each school will receive funding based on the number of students who are expected to be included and the school category (for the needs of "Your lesson" schools were divided into 8 groups). This funding will have to satisfy at least the first desire of every student to participate in activities of interest. The groups have a maximum number of participants - 25 students, but not a minimum one, ie theoretically it is possible to have extracurricular activities with  just a single student. If the number of pupils in the groups is bigger, students will be able to participate in more activities of interest.


Activities to overcome learning difficulties will also be financed, which will depend on the group: the most activities of this type will be in the first and second school groups,  which will receive the highest funding because of this. Students will be able to participate in both types of activities: of interest and to overcome learning difficulties.

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