
22.03.2018NGOs may apply for participation in the Roma Integration Subcommittee of the Monitoring Committee of the Partnership Agreement

A subcommittee “Roma Integration” of the Monitoring Committee of the Partnership Agreement was created with a decision of the Monitoring Committee of the Partnership Agreement of the Republic of Bulgaria from 09.03.2018, outlining the assistance from the European Structural and Investment Funds, for the programming period 2014-2020. The Chairman of the Subcommittee is Deputy Prime Minister  Mr. Donchev and includes deputy ministers from the main ministries, directorates of agencies in key operational programs and representatives of NGOs. The Secretariate is the "Central Coordination Unit" Directorate in the Administration of the Council of Ministers.

The nomination of the members of the Roma Integration Subcommittee is to be determined. Non-profit  legal entities, working in the field of Roma integration wishing to participate in the subcommittee, are invited to submit a membership application. The selection will be carried out according to the  Procedure of selections of legal non-profit community service  entities, working in the field of Roma integration, whose representatives will take part as members of the Subcommittee, according to Appendix 1 to Art. 21a, part. 7 of the Internal Rules of the Monitoring Committee of the Partnership Agreement.

Representatives of non-profit  legal entities, working in the field of Roma integration, can apply if they work in the following areas:

- education, children's rights, youth development;

- healthcare;

- housing conditions;

- employment;

- rule of law and non-discrimination, empowerment of Roma women, community and local development;

- culture and media.


Legal entities must meet the following criteria:

to be registered under the Non-Profit Legal Entities Act as non-profit legal entities for public benefit for at least 2 years prior to the moment of submitting an application for participation in the selection procedure;

to be active and actively pursuing its objectives for at least 2 years to the moment of submission of the application;

to have at least 2 years of experience in developing, implementing, monitoring or evaluating strategies, programs, policies or projects in the field of Roma integration for the areas they are applying for.

The written applications and a declaration, alongside with the required documents must be submitted by 01.04.2018 at the following address: Sofia 1594, 1 Dondukov Blvd. Administration of the Council of Ministers to the Director of the Central Coordination Unit Directorate .


One of the main agreements, reached at the meeting between the Roma organizations and Prime Minister  Mr. Borisov and Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Donchev on 17 July 2017, was the establishment of a permanent Roma Integration Subcommittee of  the Partnership Agreement Monitoring Committee.

On July 17, representatives of four of the main organizations and coalitions working for Roma integration (Amalipe, Intellect, National Network of Health Mediators, Roma- Lom) met with the Prime Minister Mr. Boyko Borissov and Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Tomislav Donchev. The Open Letter against the nomination of Mr. V. Simeonov as Chair of the The National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Integration Issues and the current non-effective policy-consultative framework for the implementation of integration policies, in support of which the civil organizations gathered over 15 000 signatures, was the reason for the meeting. The participants agreed on three specific immediate and medium-term measures, one of which was the creation of a subcommittee of the Partnership Agreement Monitoring Committee to coordinate the operations contributing to Roma integration co-financed by the European funds and the state budget. For more information on the meeting, see on

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