27.12.2018Center Amalipe held 18 trainings to pedagogical specialists under the Every student will be a winner training program
Positive and emotional and at the same time loading with new knowledge and useful experience...
That is just a small part of the evaluation given to Amalipe Center after the end of the total of 18 trainings on Every student will be a winner: practices for activating students and stimulating student participation program.
More than 450 pedagogical specialists from dozens of schools in the country took part in them. The trainings were conducted within Project BG05M2OP001-2.010-0001 Qualification for professional development of pedagogical specialists, implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria, funded under the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014-2020. Within the framework of the qualification program Amalipe Center has been approved one training course Every student will be a winner: practices for activating students and stimulating student participation, which meets the requirements of the thematic areas of Action 1, Support for Professional Development and Development of Professional Skills of pedagogical specialists through trainings ending with the award of 1 to 3 qualification credits according to Ordinance No. 12 of 01.09.2016.
The program is based on the Amalipe Center Every Student Will Be a Winner Network, developed over the last 7 years in over 250 schools across the country. It includes the basic practices developed by Amalipe Center to motivate students and stimulate student activity. The program is implemented in two main modules and includes the presentation of elements aimed at encouraging student activity and involving students in case studies of other students at risk of dropping out: involving parents into the school life of their children - parent clubs; promoting responsible behavior among young people - developing students - mentors practice - organizing youth volunteer clubs and promoting volunteering among students.
On 04.10.2018, the Ministry of Education and Science started the implementation of the Qualification for professional development of pedagogical specialists project, funded under the Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014-2020. The project will be implemented for three academic years - 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. The qualification program is aimed at all those working in the pre-school and school education system and will cover the whole country.