
26.03.2019Conference on Evaluating the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies: presenting the Civil Society Monitoring report on implementation of the Bulgarian NRIS

Nothing linked with Roma integration policy in Bulgaria is just black or white, stated Deyan Kolev from Center Amalipe presenting the Civil Society Monitoring report on implementation of the Bulgarian national Roma integration strategy during Conference on Evaluating the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies. The forum was organized in European Parliament on March 19 by the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament  and the European Commission.

As in previous years, the period of 2016-2018 does not mark  significant advance in the implementation of the NRIS, stated Kolev. Improvements have been observed in:

- the usage of EU funds for Roma inclusion: especially ESF and partly ERDF funds, while the engagement of the EAFRD remains problematic) and

- education: especially in reducing early school leaving and increasing participation in different levels of education, although segregation remains a problem.

Deterioration is obvious in the fields of governance (especially regarding the legitimacy of the National Roma Contact Point (NRCP) and the consultative process with civil society), housing and antigypsyism (with a significant rise in anti-Roma rhetoric, publications and even actions). Serious challenges, however, remain in all fields.

As main conclusions Kolev stressed:

•      Advance in  NRIS is possible  and in some fields exists.  It is needed coincidence of know-how, funding, active / empowered stakeholders,  public  support,  political will;

•      Coincidence between mainstreaming and targeting  is also crucial;

•      At presence Bulgarian NRIS contributes mainly for systematizing the existing know-how but not for the other elements;

•      European structural and investment funds ESIF contributes for other elements but can not provide public  support,  political will and mainstreaming;

•      The new NRIS and new ESIF should  target better the missing elements in every field as well as to contribute for inclusive mainstreaming

Bulgarian Civil Society Monitoring reports have been prepared by NGO coalition composed by Amalipe Centrer for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance, World Without Borders Association, IndiRoma Foundation, Gender Alternatives Foundation, Roma Academy for Culture and Education, Knowledge Association. The entire presentation could be found here 

The presentation of Szabolcs Schmidt from DG JUST “Evaluation of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020”, the presentation of Marek Hojsik from CEU “Main findings from the Roma Civil Monitor on the implementation of NRIS and other conference presentations could be found here 


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