
11.04.2019Institutions welcomed students on the occasion of the International Roma Day – 8th of April

The President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rumen Radev, the Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev, the Minister of Education Krassimir Valchev, the Minister of health Kiril Ananiev, the Minister of youth and sports Krasen Kralev, the Deputy Minister of labor and social policies Zornitsa Rusinova, the Embassies of France, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark and USA embraced the call for more tolerant world made by the students from the “Every student will be a winner” Network. The Institutions took part in the initiative of Center Amalipe – “School leaders – ministers and ambassadors for a day” as they welcomed on 8th of April 2019 students, winners in the “From hate speech to happy speech!” contest. 

On the Roma day our young big ambassadors of tolerance took the power to show together that the words that gather us are stronger than the ones that separate us! They explained to their hosts the symbols of the International Roma day and gifted them with Roma flags with the wish together – the institutions, the schools and organizations- to work for better education and tolerance.


The President Rumen Radev met Bogomila Samuilova (a student from Professional High School “General Vladimir Zaimov”, town of Sopot and a winner in the video contest) and Teodora Krumova, (programme director in Center Amalipe). He congratulated Bogomila for her active citizen position and the fact that she continues with her education. The educated and successful young Roma should become role models for the whole society. The President congratulated Center Amalipe for the successful initiatives and activities.

Bogomila shared how a real story and the conflict in Voyvodinovo provoked her to create the video. Teodora Krumova appeal for the President Institution to be active towards the cases of hate speech by some politicians and parties.


Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev

Alexander Stoyanov from Mezdra was a Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria for a day, as he received the role from Tomislav Donchev. In a casual conversation the work of the politicians, responsible for the development of the state, were presented to the student. Interesting for Alexander was how a person in such a high position could be so natural and sincere, as well as how a Deputy Prime Minister finds the balance between having so much power and using it responsibly, thinking about the consequences of every decision.

An appeal for not tolerating the hate speech was made by the programme director of Amalipe Mrs. Teodora Krumova, who shared that it is unforgivable for state officials to use hate speech in their political messages. In regard to the topic the Deputy Prime Minister shared that according to him using hate speech is the lowest form of politics, as politics should bring people together, not create tension.  


Ministry of Health

Hristina Laleva, student in 4th grade of Third Primary School “Dimitar Blagoev”, Shumen and Elizabeth Lyobomirova, student from Vocational School for clothing in the town of Razgrad were special guests of the Minister of health Kiril Ananiev. They were accompanied by their teachers, as well as by Deyan Kolev and Tashko Kirilov by Amalipe.

Minister Ananiev congratulated the girls for their participation in the contest and Amalipe for the number of initiatives, organized by the Center. He presented in details the responsibilities of the Ministry of Health and emphasized on the need for the health services to be accessible by every Bulgarian citizen in every part of the country.  

Deyan Kolev thanked for the hospitality and for the support that Ministry of Health provides for the working models of health mediation, the programme for Roma medical students, the effort for supporting municipal hospitals etc. He also highlighted important problems that must be addressed such as the high percentage of people without health insurance, the lower life expectancy and и the distribution of socially important deceases in the Roma communities and others. For example, the Roma women without health insurance in 12 Municipalities in which Amalipe have community monitoring, are between 55 and 60%. As a first, minimal step for solving this issue, the pregnant women can have a health insured status during the pregnancy. This will help for the birth of healthier children, said Kolev.

Ministry of Youth and Sports

The Minister of youth and sports Krasen Kralev supported the initiative “School leaders – ministers and ambassadors for a day”. Krasen Kralev met Anton Ahmedov from the village of Ravna gora, who was a minister for a day in the Ministry of youth and sports. Anton is a student from Primary School “Otets Paisii”, Municipality of Sozopol and is a member of the Student’s council in the school. The Minister explained to the student his main responsibilities as well as the responsibilities of the Ministry as a whole.

In the meeting participated the coordinator of Center Amalipe Ivan Todorov as well as the chair of the Student’s council in Primary School “Otets Paisii” Miglena Gercheva, who thanked the Minister for the warm welcome. Anton shared that the football is his passion and will be happy to someday work at the Ministry of Youth and sports.

After the meeting Anton had the chance to meet in his office the Deputy Minister Nikolay Pavlov and his responsibilities. The visit ended with a tour around the Ministry and more information about the structure and functions of the Ministry. 

Ministry of Labor and Social Policy

Deputy Minister of Health and Social Policy Zornitza Rusinova met the students Iliya Iliev and Maria Mitrova from Secondary School “Ivan Vazov” in Varshets. During the meeting Deputy Minister Rusinova presented the activities of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. During the conversation with the students she emphasized on the role of education for successful carrier and encouraged the children to develop their potential.

After the meeting Iliya and Maria were guests on the opening of the international meeting with the participation of delegation from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Armenia and representatives of UNICEF, during which were discussed partnership between the two countries in continuation of the reforms in the field of child care.

Embassy of France

The Ambassador of France Eric Lebedel welcomed in the residency of France the student from Vocational school of agriculture and food technologies – Shumen, Emiliyan Miroslavov and presented to him the work of the embassy and his responsibilities. He gave to the young man a chance to ask questions that interest him. Emiliyan asked the ambassador about his opinion on hate speech and heard his point of view, according to which people have equal rights and should respect each other. Mr. Lebedel was interested in the future plans of the young man, and when he got the answer “pastry chef”, the ambassador wished him luck and showed to the boy a recipe book of e French pastry chef.

Еmbassy of Denmark

The Ambassador of Kingdom of Denmark Soren Jakobsen welcomed the 6 th grade students from Primary School “St.St. Cyril and Methodius” – town of Straldzha, Mitka and Nedelina. The girls were given a tour of the Embassy, where they talked about the diverse aspects of this kind of workplace and the different educational pathways that can lead you here. Afterwards they had a conversation with the Ambassador, in which they shared their dreams for the future.


Embassy of the United States of America

In honor of International Roma Day U.S. Embassy Sofia hosted 2 high school students participating in the Ambassador For A Day initiative - Esil a 9th grader from the village of Blagoevo - who dreams of becoming a human rights lawyer, and Lachezar an 8th grader at the Natural Science and Math School in Kazanlak- who is an aspiring actor.

Deputy Chief of Mission Justin Friedman met with Esil and Lachezar and wished them luck with their educational and professional goals, shared his road to the diplomacy office and the obstacles he had.


Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany

Deputy Head of the German Embassy Mr. York Schuegraf welcomed the students from the village of Samuilovo Viktoria Yordanova and Rostislav Georgiev and shared with them his personal story how the education brought him to the high position and diplomacy. The students were welcomed warm and had an interesting conversation with Mr. Schuegraf on the topics of education, fight against racism and … children`s dreams.


The Initiative “School leaders – ambassadors and ministers for a day” was held for a second year in a row on the International Roma day – 8th of April. The main aim of the Initiative is to increase the motivation – of the participants and their classmates- for higher and more quality education as a path to successful professional and social development. The Initiative aims to show to the institutions the modern face of the Roma community and the necessary political actions for acceleration of Roma integration. 

The Initiative was held for the first time in 2018. The Vice President Iliyana Yotova, the ambassadors of Switzerland, France, Holland, the Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev, the Minister of Labor Biser Petkov, the Deputy Minister of local development Malina Krumova, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Todor Stoyanov, diplomats from the embassies of Germany, Belgium and Sweden welcomed young Roma boys and girls, awarded in the three categories of the contest “Why secondary education?”.


More information about the initiative see at:


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