22.05.201910th EU Diversity Charters’ Annual Forum

Around 200 representatives from businesses, civil society and experts of the 28 (27) Member States of the European Union dealing with non-discrimination, equality and diversity issues took part in the 10th EU Diversity Charters’ Annual Forum. The forum was organized by European Commission , DG JUST in Brussels on 16 May.
Deyan Kolev from Center Amalipe was one of the keynote speakers in the opening panel discussion on the topic “Reflections on diversity & inclusion – past, present and future". He raised the topics of Roma and Romani women employment. Roma men are three times less employed compared to the average of employment in Bulgaria, while Romani women are even 4 time Miss employed, stated Kolev providing figures from the EUMIDIS survey of FRA. I would define three main reasons for this discrepancy: low level of education, anti-Gypsyism and certain patriarchal practices that still exist in some Roma groups. These 3 reasons should be addressed simultaneously and the main Roma integration projects and policies Good follow should follow an integrated approach. The EU Framework for National Roma integration strategies follows social integration approach that erases the importance of education for better employment. This is reasonable but small attention is paid on anti-Gypsyism and patriarchal practices that limit the participation of Romani women . The post 2020 EU Framework for National Roma integration strategies seems to pay attention on these missing elements. Nevertheless, the new Framework would miss to achieve significant results without combining them with the social inclusion approach .
As concrete example for integrated approach that increases employment and education of Roma and decreases panti-Gypsyism he pointed RARE project supporrted by EC within the Danube Program
The Diversity Charter is a short document voluntarily signed by companies which outlines the commitment of the undersigning organization to promote diversity and equal opportunities in the workplace, regardless of, for example, age, disability, gender, race or ethnic origin, religion or sexual orientation. In 2010, Diversity Charters from across Europe came together to create an EU-level platform funded by the European Commission under the project ‘Support for voluntary initiatives promoting diversity management at the workplace across the EU’. The platform now consists of 23 Diversity Charters from Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
Photos: European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers
You can find more information about RARE project at: