08.04.2020Everything passes, but the stories we create will remain to inspire.
"There is something much more powerful than any army in the world - and this is an idea whose time has come." Victor Hugo
"Don't ask what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country." John Kennedy
Every day is a test and struggle for survival of every human being. Some have and others do not, some can and others can not, but one we know we are all equal before the pandemic COVID 19, but it will pass sooner or later, but will continue to be equal to the world that surrounds us or continue to blame us for being different. Will they even remember us, the educational mediators who also risk our own lives, but also the lives of our families to be of benefit to society and the state, will they recognize the benefits of educational mediators who work on the field in the most marginalized parts of the river Bulgaria for the common good. The educational mediator, which is a bridge between the educational institution and parents, today gives hope for local development and embodies community equality. Educational mediators have been able to be recognized in the local community, which has inspired confidence in many of our fellow citizens who work and earn their living in the European Union, who have decided to be useful in their neighborhoods, by providing finance to buy the most needy food and their distribution by educational mediators to the most needy.
Educational mediator to TSMEDT ,, AMALIPE "and Vocational School of transport and light industry town of Omurtag Veselin Sandev and local businessmen from the town of Omurtag gave free food to needy Roma families during emergency COVID - 19.
Educational mediator, Zeliha Redjeb from Kaspichan, has been distribute information materials to the most vulnerable residents of the city, so how to protect themselves against the COVID - 19 virus. - Sometimes it is necessary to assist children in distance learning, especially when it is necessary for children to register in distance learning applications.
The educational mediator Sylvia from the village of Pet Mogili, St. Kliment Ohridski Primary School successfully distributes textbooks and textbooks in Bulgarian language and literature to students without access to distance learning. She shares that children look forward to returning to classrooms, but that does not prevent them from studying at home with what the educational mediator brings to them, the children also want to participate in distance learning, but do not have the necessary equipment , so we hope to find donors more quickly to provide the necessary equipment for children. The educational mediator shares "I'm glad I can help the kids, it makes me happy"
These are just some of the examples that keep us inspired and coming up with new ideas. We are pleased to have colleagues who love their work and are helpful to the community. They will continue to make history, and we will try to reach the readers.
Prepared by: Atanas Atanasov