29.03.2008Center Amalipe project for intercultural education is approved under Human Resources Development Operational Program
The project “Introducing intercultural education and equal access to quality education of Roma children in Veliko Turnovo Municipality” of Center Amalipe was approved by Ministry of Education and Science within the Scheme “Establishing favourable multicultural environment for introducing intercultural education”. Partners of Amalipe within the project are Municipality of Veliko Turnovo and 4 schools.
Several activities will be realised within the project: establishing Municipal center for intercultural education, research on the family environment of Roma students, integration in the mainstream schools of Roma kids who have visited school for mentally disabled children, attracting and keeping at school Roma children who dropped out or who have never been enroled in school. In the four included schools new forms of intercultural education (as an continuation of the existing Roma folklore classes) will be introduced as well as innovative forms for empowering parents and including them in the school process.
The project implementation will help the educational integration of Roma children in Veliko Turnovo municipality. It will also contribute for developing new approaches for applying intercultural education and for empowering parents that will be used in many other schools all over the country in the process of teaching “Folklore of the ethnoi – Roma folklore” subject.