25.03.2019Results of the public consultation procedure on the draft national education programs for 2019
Under the "Development of the Preschool Education System" National Program, projects of kindergartens that do not collect fees and other payments from parents will be approved as a priority, and Ministry of Education and Science will consider increasing budgets of the program from the following year. The "Assistance to Municipalities for Implementation of Educational Desegration Activities" National Program will support projects both in cities with at least three educational institutions at least one of which segregated, as well as in cities with separate neighborhoods / areas...
19.03.2019Amalipe Center held the seminar 'The stories of success' within the RARE project
On 16th of February 2019 in “Bryasta” Complex near Veliko Tarnovo Center for interethnic dialogue and tolerance Amalipe organized the seminar “The stories of success”. The seminar was open for the public and was held as part of the activities in project “RARE - Changing discourses, changing practices: Roma as a human resource”, implemented in Bulgaria by Center Amalipe
The event was organized in a new and unknown for the public format – “pecha-kucha”, which brings casual environment and encourages an open dialogue...
12.03.2019Proposals by Amalipe Center concerning the National Education Programs for 2019
Within the framework of the public consultation procedure on the national education programs draft for 2019, Amalipe Center submitted proposals on three national programs: "Assistance to Municipalities for Educational Desegregation Activities", "Development of the Preschool Education System "and" Together for every child ".
Concerning the "Assistance to Municipalities for Implementation of Educational Desegration Activities" National Program:
Amalipe Center welcomes the introduction of the national program "Assistance to Municipalities for Implementation of Educational...
United school "P.R.Slaveykov" in Dzhulyunitsa is a restless but secure home for children from different ethnic groups, in which friendship, tolerance and respect reign. Here everybody can rely on a friendly hand when it comes to difficulty, to ask for help, to be understood, so there is no room for aggression.
..... Look in my eyes - I'm not a victim!
"NO" to violence and harassment, "YES" to friendship! - said the students on the day of the pink T-shirt, so the pink color was present in the clothing of all students and teachers as a symbol of tolerance, respect for the right...
11.02.2019Barrack integration: the Roma concept of Bulgarian DPM Karakachanov
To analyze the "Roma Concept" of Kr. Karakachanov is like reading a treatise on the late antique eclectic - heterogeneous and hardly compatible ideas, among which there might be found some basic attempts, but the whole product is far from original and gives a crisis of thought.The "Concept" addresses objectively existing problems but it is based on mistakes and follows a completely misguided, even dangerous, strategy. The proposed measures are of three types: already introduced and existing; social measures currently under discussion, and populist, administrative-criminal...