
21.04.2009Debate “How to bring children back to school?”

Debate “How to bring children back to school” took place on April 16 in the Center for culture and debate “Red House” – Sofia. Mukaddes Nalbant (Deputy Minister on Education), Kristina Popiordanova (UNICEF – Bulgaria), Maria Donkova (Paidea Foundation) and Deyan Kolev (Center Amalipe) took part in the debate. They discussed the problem of dropping out of school: how to collect reliable data about school drop-outs, what are the main reasons for the dropping-out, are there specific dimensions of this problem among Roma community, what is necessary...

08.04.2009GERB Party presented platform for Roma integration

In the eve of International Roma Day Political Party GERB presented its political platform named “Active participation of Roma in the policy for Roma”. This happened during a round table that took place on April 7 in Sofia. The Roma experts who elaborated the platform, the Chair of GERB Tzvetan Tzvetanov, MEP Rumyana Zeleva, more than 60 representatives of Roma NGOs and GERB activists took part in the round-table. Milen Milanov, Deyan Kolev, Lilia Makaveeva, Gancho Iliev, Valeri Lekov, Radostin Manov and Biserka Iotova did presentations of the different platform...

31.03.2009Discussion about the new Public Education Act

The draft Public Education Act proposed by Ministry of Education does not respect in any way and does not support the efforts for educational integration of Roma children. In addition, some of its statements will disturb additionally the educational integration and will left thousands of Roma children out of school. These were some of the conclusions from the Round table “The educational integration and the new Public Education Act” that took part in Sofia on March 30. It was organized by Center for Interethnic...

25.03.2009Suggestions of Center “Amalipe” to the draft Public Education Act

On March 23 Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance “Amalipe” put forward to Ministry of Education and Science suggestions for the Public Education Act proposed by the same Ministry. The suggestions are directed to incorporating key Roma educational integration points within the Law. For example they propose articles that prevent the segregation of Roma kids in special “Roma” schools and classes, facilitate intercultural education, quality of education in all schools attended by Roma students, prevent drop-out rate, etc....

18.03.2009Roma organizations proposed merged integral draft for new Program for Roma Integration

Integral draft of the renewed Program for Roma Integration that merges  ideas from both previous drafts (one proposed by Roma NGOs in January 2009 and the other proposed by the institutions in February 2009) was sent to the Chair of NCCEDI Emel Etem. The merged draft preserves and further develops the man trends of the Framework Program for Equal Integration of Roma in Bulgarian Society (1999). It is in compliance with the documents of the Decade of Roma Inclusion. It was proposed by Center “Amalipe”, Integro Association, Diverse and Equal Association, World...
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