
12.12.2008Declaration for Roma Integration Actions approved during the National Meeting of Roma NGOs

We, representatives of non-governmental organizations and experts who work for Roma integration, Expressing our deep belief that:   Roma integration is one of the main national priorities which fulfillment will make Bulgarian society fairer, inclusive and more advanced; Roma integration is in accordance with the basic irrevocable values and principles of European Union; Roma integration is process of development and modernization of Roma community as specific and integral part of Bulgarian nation: it aims at raising educational, social, economic,...

10.12.2008Information about the National meeting of Roma organizations in Bulgaria

  It is necessary to go ahead from planning integration to experiencing real actions for Roma integration. This should happen through normative and financial back-up of the integration policy  and through broader decentralization in order to include municipalities, civils society organizations and Roma community in the process. These were the main conclusions  from the National meeting of Roma NGOs and NGOs working for Roma integration “Strategies for our common future”. It took place on December 9 in Sofia. The forum brought together more than...

07.12.2008National meeting of Roma organizations “Strategies for a common future” - Sofia, December 9

  A National meeting of the Roma non-governmental organizations will take place in Park Hotel Moskva in Sofia on December 9th. The aim of the meeting is to put to discussion by NGOs the draft of the updated version of the Framework program for equal integration of Roma into Bulgarian society and to come up with a common position of the Roma organization about the major principles this strategic document should stand for as well as the mechanisms for implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Framework program. The meeting is organized in the eve of December 10th:...

06.12.2008Meeting of municipal officials “Educational integration in the context of delegated school budgets”

  Municipalities and the National Association of Municipalities should be more active in the process of educational integration of Roma kids. The efforts for educational integration can be backed up at municipal level through incorporating additional component “activities for Roma pupils’ integration” in the formula for defining delegated school budget. This would provide “fresh money” for activities in the so-called “accepting” schools. Approving Municipal plan for educational integration backed up also by the municipal budget...

18.11.2008The Center for Intercultural Education in Veliko Turnovo was officially opened

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