
05.10.2008Documents for Roma integration - training

  Training of Roma NGOs from South-Eastern Bulgaria about the preparation of municipal documents for Roma integration took place in Bansko on October 4 and 5. Representatives of Roma grass root organizations united in Civic Alliance for Roma Movement took part in thetraining. It was organized by Integro Association. Deyan Kolev from Center “Amalipe” was the trainer. The participants were got familiar with all national documents for Roma integration. The Resolutions of European Parliament about Roma as well as points from the Operational Programs connected...

03.10.2008OSCE Human Dimensions Implementation Meeting in Warsaw

    From September 29 to October 10 the annual Human Dimensions Implementation Meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) takes place in Warsaw, Poland. Within its frames special Working session about the implementation of OSCE Action Plan on Roma and Sinti was organized on October 2. Side event “Harmonizing the European Approach towards Roma and Sinti: Role of Governmental Mechanisms Convenor”  took place on October 1. The key massages of both events were: - Roma integration is unfinished business and many steps...

02.10.2008Training of policemen

Training of policemen for effective work in Roma community took place in Pernik on September 30. It was organize by Police Office – Pernik within the project “Let’s save the human live and the flora...” Deyan Kolev, chairman of Center “Amalipe” was the lectiurer of the training. “Most of the things people perceive about Roma are prejudices: negative or positive.  Often features that characterize small percent of Roma or even one person are transmitted as “typical Roma / Gipsy features” by the so-called “public...

17.09.2008European Roma Summit, Brussels, 16 September 2008

  Ministers, European politicians, representatives of the Roma community and NGOs took part in the first EU Roma Summit in Brussels. The high-level meeting is a follow up from the report of the European Commision from July 2 according to which Roma still suffer discrimination and social exclusion despite the continuing attepmts for integration. The meeting was organized on September 16 by the European Commission under the patronage of its President José Manuel Barroso and the French Presidency of the European Union and got together more than 400 participants. ...

07.09.2008Advocacy training

  Training in advocacy and effective advocacy campaigns before municipal institutions took place on September 6 and 7 in Stara Zagora. Roma women from the so-called “Mothers centers” all over Bulgaria took part in the training. It was organized by Integro Association within the project “Mother centers – effective way for empowering Romani women” supported by Roma Participation Program of OSI – Budapest The lecturer Deyan Kolev presented the main stages of every advocacy campaign – strategic planning, coalition building, media...
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