02.09.2008Training of trainers from Razgrad District
Twenty-eight representatives of structures of the civil society from Razgrad District passed 5-days training of trainers. Most of them came from Roma community-based organizations; representatives of Turkish and Bulgarian NGOs, trade-unions and employer organizations also took part in the training. It was organized by Integro Association within a project financed by Administrative Capacity Operational Program. The training took place in Targovishte from 27 to 31 of August.
Both lecturers Teodora Krumova and Biser SAlekov used various interactive techniques to train...
24.08.2008Special issue of Amalipe Newsletter on the current challanges before the educational integration of Roma children in Bulgaria
Special issue of Amalipe Newsletter on the current challanges before the educational integration of Roma children in Bulgaria was published. You can find in this issue:
The educational reform and the challenges before Roma children educational integration - the effect of delegated school budgets and the structural reform of the school system on Roma educational integration
Changes in the National Education Act
Equal access to quality education for Roma - report of EUMAP program of OSI
A workshop of Regional Inspectorates of Education...
02.08.2008Media guide „Roma in Bulgaria”
„Roma in Bulgaria – information guide” is the last publication of Roma Program of the Open Society Institute – Sofia. The guide is of main use for journalists. It aims at providing correct and proven information about Roma and at establishing good media image of Roma. Aleksey Pampovov PhD, Ilko Yordanov, Teodora Krumova and Deyan Kolev are the authors who prepared the guide. Maria Metodieva (Director of Roma Program of the Open Society Institute – Sofia) is team leader.Ass.Prof. Tatiana Braykova-Tomova is external reader.
The guide provides information...
28.07.2008Round-table about educational integration and delegated budgets in Dupnitza
Deyan Kolev, Chairman of Center “Amalipe” met more than 70 teachers and principals of schools all over South-Eastern Bulgaria. The meeting took place in the city hall of Dupnitza Municipality on July 26. It was initiated by Iosif Nounev, PhD, state expert in the Ministry of Education and Science.
Deyan Kolev presented the ”Folklore of the ethnoi – Roma folklore” program insisting that it had proved in practice its positive results. “Roma folklore classes provide you with a good opportunity to attract and keep children at...
19.07.2008Workshops for promoting the EUMAP report Equal Access to Quality Education for Roma
School principals from Central North Region of Bulgaria discussed opportunities for educational integration of Roma children, for equal access to quality education and intercultural education within the delegated school budgets. This happened during special workshop organized by Center “Amalipe” on July 18, 2008 in Veliko Turnovo. More that 40 school principals from Veliko Turnovo, Russe, Gabrovo and Lovetz Districts attended the workshop.
The EUMAP report “Equal Access to Quality Education for Roma ” and the ways its conclusions could be applied...