
22.06.2008The administrative capacity for implementation of policy for Roma integration decreases

  Cutting down the position “expert on ethnic and demographic issues” in district administrations as well as a permanent process of resignation of such experts from this position decreases significantly the administrative capacity for implementation of Roma integration policy. According to a decision of the Council of Ministers cut down in the administration was realized in May 2008. In many district administrations it caused cutting down of the position “expert on ethnic and demographic issues”. At the same time, during the last several months...

06.06.2008Fifth Children Roma Festival “Open Heart”

  More than 700 children participated in the Fifth Children Roma Festival “Open Heart” that took place in Veliko Turnovo on June 3rd and 4th, 2008. The festival was organized by Center “Amalipe” with the support of Veliko Turnovo Municipality and the Council of Europe Information Center – Sofia. Baki Hyuseinov (National Coordinator of the Decade of Roma Inclusion), Lalo Kamenov (Deputy-Chair of the Commission for Protection Against Discrimination), George Krastev (Head of Roma Integration Department within Ethnic and Demographic Issues Directorate),...

01.06.2008Conference about the financial exclusion took place in Brussels

  Conference“Financial exclusion – improving access to basic financial services” took place in Brussels on May 28. It was organized by European Commission. Representatives of EU institutions, national institutions and NGOs took part in the conference. Mr. Vladimir Spidla, Commissioner on Employment, Equal Opportunities and Social Affairs had the opening address; Mr. Charlie  McCreevy, Commissioner for Internal Market and Services carried out the closing speach. Results from a special survey about the financial exclusion realized in 14 European...

01.06.2008Social Policy Week

  Social Policy Week, organized by Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, DG “Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities” of EC and European Social Fund took place for first time in Bulgaria from May 26 to 29. The initiative aimed at discussing the major chhallanges before Bulgarian social policy and social integration one year after the EU Accession. The Social Policy Week was devided into six special days: anti-discrimination ands equal opportunities, social inclusion, safety and health at work place, labour migration, employment policy, European...

18.05.2008Teodora Krumova participated in a Round table The Romani woman: presence and future

  Teodora Krumova presented the results from the national survey on Romani women issues during a round table “The Romani woman: presence and future.” The round table took place on May 16th, 2008 in the National Center for Professional Development in Sofia. The meeting was opened by Ms. Emilia Maslarova, Minister of Labor and Social Policy and Baki Hyuseinov, National coordinator of the Decade of Roma Inclusion. «The Romani woman has the potential to change the negative attitude towards the whole Roma community” Emilia Maslarova stated at the...
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