
18.05.2008A meeting of Roma organizations working on health care issues

  Center Amalipe and World without Borders Association organized on May 17th and 18th 2008 a meeting in Stara Zagora with Roma organizations working on health issues. The aim of the meeting was to discuss forthcoming activities directed to Roma health within Human Resource Development Operational Program and issues to be included in the new Framework program. One of the ideas which appeared during the meeting was for organizing local grassroot discussions on the issues that need to be included in the Framework document. This is the only way to guarantee that the real problems...

05.05.2008Roma organizations – together to support Baki Hyuseinov

  On April 30 Bulgarian Prime-Minister S. Stanishev announced shortening in Council of Ministers: the number of deputy-ministers and deputy-district governors was reduced. Deputy-minister of Labour and Social Affairs and Coordinator of the Decade of Roma Inclusion Baki Hyuseinov was layed off as part of the shortening. The dismissal of B. Hyuseinov (from Roma origin himself) provoked sharp disagreement among almost all Roma organizations. Although controvercies among them exist from many years, Roma NGOs spontaneously united their efforts to express disagreement and...

28.04.2008A procedure for the election of NGO representatives in the Monitoring Committee of the HRD OP

A procedure for the election of NGO representatives in the Monitoring Committee of the Human resources development Operational program was approved   On April 23 and 24, 2008 the Monitoring Committee of the Human Resources Development OP (HRD OP) held its working and second regular meeting, respectively. It approved the Annual report for the advance of the implementation of the HRD OP and the Communication Plan of the Program and authorized the Managing authority to make corrections in the two documents after receiving the comments from the European Commission. A...

28.04.2008International Romani women seminar took place in Sofia

  More than 20 Roma women from Central and Eastern Europe took part in the training “Human rights: rights of Roma. Advocacy in the field of healthcare”. The training took place in Sofia from 14 -20 of April and it was organized by European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) and Open Society Institute – Budapest. Center “Amalipe” was implementing partner of the initiative from Bulgarian side. During 6 days the participants from Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Romania, Hungary, together with the lecturers from USA and Great Britain discussed the problems...

26.04.2008A meeting of the Roma Integration Committee at the NCCEDI

  The Roma Integration Committee (RIC) at the NCCEDI held its second meeting on April 23, 2008. It has been summoned in reference to a letter by Vice Prime Minister Emel Etem requiring the RIC to appoint 5 Roma members of the NCCEDI and 5 Roma members outside of the NCCEDI to take part in the Analytical group preparing the new Framework program. In addition, the RIC discussed also the overall mechanism for elaborating the Program. Deyan Kolev within whose responsibilities as a Deputy Chair of the National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Demographic issues is the...
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