
18.04.2008Training of policemen for work in Roma environment

  Training of policemen for effective work with Roma community took place of April 17 and 18 in Lyaskovetz. It was organized by Regional Directorate “Police” – Veliko Turnovo. More than 40 police officers all obver Veliko Turnovo District too part in the training. Respecting the human rights and engaging the informal Roma authorities and leaders were the main accents in the training. Deyan Kolev – Chairman of Center Amalipe – had a preseentation about the specificts of the Roma groups in all municipalities in the District. He gave practical...

10.04.2008One different 8th of April

This year we decided that we would not make concerts - we've decided instead to make something different... to provoke people, to open their hearts, to pour out of their all the prejudices, all the un-said words and the disagreements - to make some space for our message... We've decided to make an information campaign... in the center of Veliko Turnovo. As I said we decided to provoke... Our youth (Roma and non-Roma) dressed the colorfull Roma dresses and enthusiastically dashed to break the grey everyday of Veliko Turnovo citizens...          We...

10.04.2008Bulgarian Prime-Ministers met Roma activits on April 8, the International Roma Day

    New Framework Program for Roma Integration that connects, unites and synchronizes the efforts of all institutions as well as the ones of the civil society is necessary. It will be prepared by the National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Demographic Issues (NCCEDI) with significant participation of non-governmental organizations. This was one of the main statements of Mr. Stanishev – Prime Minister of Republic of Bulgaria during the special meeting with Roma activists that took place on April 8, the International Roma Day. MP from Roma origin Toma...

06.04.2008Session of the National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Demographic Issues

  The first session for 2008 of the National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Demographic Issues (NCCEDI) took place on April 4. The new Council membership participated in the session: besides 16 deputy ministers and 7 directors of state agencies 47 representatives of non-governmental organizations (37 of them – Roma or working with Roma) are members of the NCCEDI during 2008. The session was chaired by Mrs. Emel Etem – Chair of NCCEDI and Deputy-Prime Minister. Several topics were discused. The team of Ethnic and Demographic Issues Directorate presented...

06.04.2008Deyan Kolev was elected a Deputy-Chair of the National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Demographic Issues

Deyan Kolev was elected a Deputy-Chair of the National Council for Cooperation on Ethnic and Demographic Issues from the quota of the non-governmental organizations. This happened at the regular meeting of the Council which took place on April 4th and was preceded by a meeting of the Roma Integration Committee at the Council. In both meetings Deyan Kolev received the highest number of votes followed by Mladen Ivanov (Gypsy Europe), Peter Georgiev (Confederation of Roma "Europe”) and Nikolay Kirilov (Roma – Lom). In his program Deyan Kolev appealed for...
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