
07.03.2008The Delegated budgets and the Roma education

The Delegated budgets and the Roma education From 2008 the system of the so-called "delegated school budgets" will be applied in all Bulgarian schools. It will change the overall educational system and will have certain consequences on the education of Roma children and the Roma educational integration. You can find as an attach-file the article of Deyan Kolev, Chairman of Center "Amalipe" about the expected effect of the delegated budgets on the overall educational system and on the education of Roma children. The article contains also ideas what should...

01.01.1970State Agency for Child Protection elaborate report on the situation in Garmen

  A week after the field study on the situation of children and their parents in "Kremikovtzi" neighbourhood in Garmen, State Agency for Child Protection summarized the main observations and conclusions in a special report.       The study was initiated and led by the SACP, as it was attended by representatives of the "Social Assistance" - Gotse Delchev and community moderators from CIDT "Amalipe." It covered 56 households and 71 families. Nearly half of the families living in the neighborhood were not interviewed, as they were working outside the village...
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