Projects / Community Monitoring on Healthcare Services in Roma communities


The project is two-year initiatives that starts in August 2015. It is a continuation of the efforts of Center Amalipe supported by OSF’s AMHI and RHP, to introduce community monitoring of health service delivery in Roma communities undertaken since 2011 with the scope of promoting equal and non-discriminatory access to healthcare.

Having in regard that during the last years a comprehensive model for community monitoring was developed and successfully implemented, the present project will advance in extending the community monitoring work in Bulgaria at national level applying the model in at least 12 municipalities situated in the six regions of Bulgaria. It will create the necessary structural pre-conditions for further extending the model all over the country: organizational structures and private-public partnerships (that involve local communities, service providers and municipal authorities and could include also private entities) will be established, political support at national level will be gained.

The approach for ensuring sustainability is based on the idea that OSF support is necessary for successful piloting, the broad expansion could be ensured with EU funds (through Human Resources Development OP) plus decreasing percentage of OSF financing, the sustainability would happen through mainstreaming community monitoring in the entire health service delivery system.

In addition, within the project Center Amalipe will provide mentoring and support to LARGO and World Without Borders Association for their community monitoring efforts in Kyustendil and Stara Zagora. Finally, the project will support continuation of EU level advocacy for more political attention to Roma health through organizing advocacy event in Brussels.



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