Projects / Advocacy training for Roma - students in Medical Universities

The project is part of the program for supporting the education of Roma in Medical Universities in Eastern Europe “Roma Leadership in Health: A generation of health professionals” of Open Society Institute – Budapest. In Bulgaria the program is managed by OSI – Sofia. It contains 3 components:
1. Advocacy training: it aims at providing information, raising awareness, empowerment and stimulation of participants to get involved in the process of improving the Roma health care system. Thus the goal is to create a network of Roma experts in health area which would become valuable partners in the development and implementation of public policies and overall in the social inclusion process.  Additional aim is to strengthen Roma identity of the students involved and to motivate them to take part in advocacy campaigns. The component is implemented by CenterAmalipe and World without borders Association
2. Mentorship: professors from Medical Universities are engaged as mentors to help the students to achieve higher academic tresults. The component is implemented by Diverse and Equal Association;
3. Media component: It aims at developing and carrying out the media campaign for the promotion of the project during the various stages. The component is implemented by ProMedia

The program is financed by Roma Education Fund for 3 years

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