
07.06.201815 Roma Festival for Children 'Open Heart' - 8 - 9 June 2018, Veliko Tarnovo is coming

Nearly 1500 children, teachers and parents from 90 schools, as well as volunteers from all over the country, gather on June 8 and 9 in Veliko Tarnovo for the fifteenth edition of the Children's Open Heart Festival. The festival is a joint initiative of Amalipe Center, Veliko Tarnovo Municipality and the Trust for Social Achievement. The festival will be officially opened by the "Vasil Levski" Secondary school in Yablanitsa, and will continue with the performance of little "witches" from N. Vaptsarov Primary School in the village of Selanovtsi. The magical wave continues with...

06.06.2018Key messages from the conference The state of Roma educational integration: from the innovative model to the innovative school

The need of restarting of the process of desegregation in education, an investment in early childhood development (including removing fees for kindergartens) and an impressive consensus on the main conclusions and recommendations for chapter “Education” in the Civil society monitoring report, were the main topics of the conference “The state of the Roma educational integration: from innovative model in class to innovative school”. One of the main characteristics of the forum was the unprecedented attendance of diplomats and pedagogues, as well as political...

04.06.2018The Ombudsman Maya Manolova launched a NO Kindergarten Fees Campaign

On June 1 - The International Children's Day, the Ombudsman of the Republic launched a campaign for no fees in kindergartens. Maya Manolova announced her decision to launch such a campaign at the end of last year at the annual meeting of students and teachers participating in the "Every student will be a winner" project initiated Amalipe Center and reaffirmed it during the National Conference "State of Roma Education Integration "held on May 14th. The main arguments for the initiative are the financial barriers that hinder the attendance of children from the poorest families...

04.06.2018Clarifications about a paragraph, included in the Civic Report on the Implementation of the National Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for Roma Integration

Addressing the protest declaration of the colleagues from the National Network of Health Mediators against the paragraph of the Civic Report on the Implementation of NSRBRI (p.25), Amalipe Center makes the following clarifications:   1. The report has not yet been translated into Bulgarian due to its recent approval by the European Commission. The translation of the problematic paragraph is: „3. България използва широко подхода на медиация спрямо ромите в здравеопазването, услугите по...

21.05.2018OPSESG was "unblocked"; The Monitoring Committee directed BGN 82.5 million to the kindergartens

The Ministry of Education and Science will allocate BGN 82.5 million between kindergartens to support the early inclusion and educational inclusion of children from vulnerable groups in pre-school education. The funds will be used for additional Bulgarian language training; pedagogical, psychological and social support of children from vulnerable groups (including provision of funds for kindergarten fees); training of pedagogical and non-pedagogical specialists; working with parents of children from vulnerable groups; activities to build positive public attitudes to pre-school...
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