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Newsletter of Amalipe Center for February-March 2019

The newsletter of Amalipe Center for February and March 2019 presents the activities of the organization, as well as important analyses and reports on Roma integration in Bulgaria. The edition provides information about additional funding to schools and kindergartens with big concentration of students from vulnerable groups, civil monitoring report on the implementation of the Roma integration strategy in Bulgaria, proposals to the national educational programs for 2019, partner projects' activities and other important topics. 


Download the newsletter here.


Newsletter of Amalipe Center for January 2019

Accents of the newsletter:

page 2 | Letter to the Minister of Defensen

pages 4-5 | Children from different ethnic groups visited ministries and embassies on the occasion of the Roma New Year - Vasilitsa

pages 8-9 | The Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategies in Bulgaria is available in Bulgarian

pages 10 | Educational mediators and psychologists at Amalipe Center conducted a series of lectures on “Children’s education and behavior”

pages 11-12 | Teaching about the Holocaust and Social Justice

pages 12-13 | Representatives of Center Amalipe visited RARE partners in Slovakia

pages 19-24 | Minister of Education Krassimir Valchev took part in the National Forum of the Board of Principals for Intercultural Education, organized by Amalipe Center

Download the newsletter here.


Newsletter of Amalipe Center for November - December 2018

Accents of the newsletter:

The sixth national meeting of student parliaments was held in Sliven

The Socio-Economic Integration Projects have been approved ...

Bulgarian Deputy PM Valery Simeonov finally resigned!

Additional funds for working with vulnerable groups will be provided to secondary schools as well

Trainings with parents were held in Shumen

Mission possible: joint training for parents and teachers from the Municipality of Gabrovo

Amalipe Center held a training to over 40 educational mediators together with Regional Department of Education - Vratsa

Amalipe Center held a training “New approaches for Roma Inclusion on the labor market”

Community Development Center in Byala Slatina hosted a training “Career orientation and job application”

Moderators from Center Amalipe celebrated the Day of Tolerance

Teachers from all over the country participated in training on “Ethnic Folklore - Roma Folklore” in the village of Arbanasi

Amalipe Center Announces National Student Competition “From Hate Speech to Happy Speech”

Center Amalipe held 18 trainings to pedagogical specialists under the Every student will be a winner training program

Amalipe Center held a training with educational mediators

Information concerning school principals and principals of kindergartens receiving funding for working with pupils from vulnerable groups

Download the whole newsletter here.


Newsletter of Amalipe Center for October 2018

Accents of the newsletter for October 2018:

Community Development Centers marked Roma pride - Day of Roma Pride and Culture

Еducational mediators from the Veliko Tarnovo District celebrated “Roma Pride” - Day of Roma Pride and culture.

MES approved projects for working with parents

Resignation of Deputy Prime Minister Simeonov!

Important victory of Roma and pro-Roma civil society in Bulgaria

Delegated school budgets in 2019

Municipality of A ntonovo cut the fees for attending kindergarten.

Amalipe Center was awarded in the Shared Change Competition

Amalipe Center organized regional meetings with school prinicpals under the project “Every student will be a winner”

Download the newsletter here.


Newsletter of Amalipe Center for September 2018

Accents of the newsletter of the organization for September 2018:

The new academic year: hopes and challenges facing schools.

The Center announced the results of its annual competition for educational integration projects

Call for scholarship applicati ons in support of Roma students.

Municipality of Antonovo cut the fees for attending kindergarten.

Amalipe Center continue conducting workshops with parents within the BG05M2OP001-3.002-

0050-C01 Together we fi nd solutions Project.

Center Amalipe approved students to participate in the Equal Opportunity Program - access to secondary education for the 2018-2019 academic year.

Meeting of the Minister of Education with school principals from Sliven district.

Center “Amalipe” together with the “SIRAK” Foundation Sofi a supported children in need.

Download the newsletter here.


Amalipe Center Newsletter for July and August 2018

Accents in the newsletter of Amalipe Center for July and August 2018:

- Blagoevgrad and Gabrovo - The Two Faces of Desegregati on or Whether Sisyphus Could Turn the Stone from a Burden into a Leverage;

- Additional means to those working with children and students from vulnerable groups: how to use them?

- Free transportati on for high school students

- Trust for Social Achievement Foundati on is launching a call for scholarship applications in support of Roma students enrolled in medical studies for the 2018-2019 academic year

- Educati onal mediators and psychologists at Amalipe Center conducted a series of lectures on “Motivation for Learning”

- The scholars of the “Equal Chance” Program finish the academic year with very good success


Newsletter of the activities of Amalipe Center in June 2018

Accents in the newsletter of the activities of Amalipe Center in June:

- Horo of tolerance was danced for the 15 consecutive year in Veliko Tarnovo during the 15th Open heart Roma children festival 

- Which was the Roma event in the program of Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of EU: article by Deyan Kolev

- The Ombudsman Maya Manolova launched a NO Kindergarten Fees Campaign

- Devora Stancheva presented the Every Student Will be a Winner Project at a meeting in Brussels

- The School at the sea 2018 adventure or the emotions of the first summer camp, held within the Together we find solutions Project...

and many other interesting news about the activity of the organization.


Amalipe Center Newsletter for April and May 2018

In Amalipe newsletter for April and May 2018, you will find information about:

April 8th –International Roma day becoming the Day of Roma awakening

National institutions and embassies celebrated the International Roma Day

Sunny Barcelona gathered Roma women from whole Europe for the Second International Roma Women Congress

Fifteen ambassadors discussed the Roma integration.

REF announced the Roma student scholarship competition: Deadline is 15 May

The European Commission approved the Civil Society Monitoring Report on the Implementation of the National Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for Roma Integration

Roma teachers discussed the development of school education with Minister Valchev and Deputy Minister Sacheva

When “We Succeed Together” or the first school camp held under the project “Together we find solutions”

Key messages from The state of Roma educational integration: from the innovative model to the innovative school Conference


Newsletter of the activities of Amalipe Center in March 2018

In the edition of our newsletter for March 2018 you will find:

- Trainings for active parents from Northern and Southern Bulgaria were held within Every student will be a winner Project

- Center Amalipe held training for active volunteers in Etropole and Novi Pazar

- Kick off meeting within the Young Voices for social inclusion of Roma women Project

- Deputy Head of the German Embassy, Mr. York Schuegraf visited Center Amalipe

- Local authorities, educational institutions and NGOs together for the success of every child

and other interesting topics.


Newsletter of the activities of Amalipe Center in February 2018

In our edition for February 2018 readers will find out information about:

- Community development centers celebrated 14 february

- Ambassador for the day: a contest of the British Embassy

- The Integrated Procedure “Socio-Economic Integration ...”: What’s next to Component 1?

- Amalipe Center became a partner in the national campaign to prevent human trafficking for labour exploatation

and other interesting news and events, happened during the month.

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