
11.05.20182nd Transnational Meeting of Project FinanceGO

2nd Transnational Meeting of Project FinanceGO took place at University of Warwick Westwood Campus in Coventry, on May 9th and 10th 2018.  Results of the Bibliographic research, and the communicative focus groups from each partner country were presented and discussed. We also worked on the draft of the Guide for Educators based in line with the national reports. Amalipe team was presented by Biserka Dimitrova and Radostin Maslinkov.  

08.05.2018The European Commission approved the Civil Society Monitoring Report on the Implementation of the National Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for Roma Integration

As in previous years, the period of 2016-2017 does not mark any significant advances in the implementation of the Bulgarian NRIS. Improvements have been observed in the usage of EU funds for Roma inclusion (especially ESF and partly ERDF funds, while the engagement of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) remains problematic) and for education (especially in reducing early school leaving and increasing participation in different levels of education, although segregation remains a problem). Deterioration is obvious in the fields of governance (especially...

30.04.2018The Right Roma on the Job!

#rightroma #1may   On May 1st, all 8 countries involved in the RARE: Changing Discourses, Changing Practices: The Roma as Human Resource project celebrate together the rights of Roma people on the labor market  in a common campaign for the International Labor Day. We commemorate equal work rights and bring to the attention of Europe's employees and employers that together we can improve the working conditions and access of the Roma people in the labor market. The destinies of Roma people are intersected more than it seems, and for the last few hundred years they...

30.04.2018National institutions and embassies celebrated the International Roma Day

The doors of major national institutions and diplomatic missions were opened on the occasion of the International Roma Day to welcome the awarded of the Why Secondary Education Competition. This happened within the framework of the Initiative "Student Leaders: Vice President, Ambassadors and Ministers for a Day" organized by Amalipe Center on April 12. Vice President Iliana Yotova, Ambassadors of Switzerland, France and the Netherlands, Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev, Labor Minister Biser Petkov, Deputy Minister of Regional Development Malina Kroumova, Deputy Minister...

25.04.2018Roma teachers discussed the development of school education with Minister Valchev and Deputy Minister Sacheva

Minister of Education Krasimir Valchev, Deputy Minister Denitsa Sacheva, Directors of Directorates at the Ministry of Education and Science, Director of the Center for Educational Integration Manuela Radeva and experts from the Ministry of Education discussed the problems of school education with teachers of Roma origin. The meeting was organized by Amalipe Center and the Ministry of Education and Science on April 12, on the occasion of the International Roma Day, and was held at the CEICSEM building. It was moderated by Yosif Nunev. Minister Valchev underlined the commitment...
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