
23.03.2018Center Amalipe held training for active volunteers in Etropole and Novi Pazar

On 10th and 17th of March 2018 Center Amalipe held one-day training for active volunteers at the Community Development Centers in Etropole and Novi Pazar . The topic was "How to effectively develop volunteering in a given location". 121 volunteers in Etropole and 42 volunteers in Novi Pazar participated in the training. The participants learned about the problems of the Roma community - low levels of education and health status, early marriages and dropping out of school. Marko Georgiev and Aldin Stefanov presented in front of the community their field work and shared the...

22.03.2018Better results when working TOGETHER

One of the main goals of Amalipe Center is to keep students at school and motivate them to continue their education. Educational mediators working within the project "Together we find solutions" and the principal of Secondary school "St. Kliment Ohridski", Suhindol started intensive work in a case of drop-outs. They identified the students at risk, prepared profiles, identified specific measures for each student. The next step was field work with individual meetings with the students and their families. The main purpose of those visits was to make parents understand that education...

22.03.2018NGOs may apply for participation in the Roma Integration Subcommittee of the Monitoring Committee of the Partnership Agreement

A subcommittee “Roma Integration” of the Monitoring Committee of the Partnership Agreement was created with a decision of the Monitoring Committee of the Partnership Agreement of the Republic of Bulgaria from 09.03.2018, outlining the assistance from the European Structural and Investment Funds, for the programming period 2014-2020. The Chairman of the Subcommittee is Deputy Prime Minister  Mr. Donchev and includes deputy ministers from the main ministries, directorates of agencies in key operational programs and representatives of NGOs. The Secretariate...

22.03.2018Regional Pedagogical Forum was held in the village of Manole

Regional Forum on "Innovative Practices for Intercultural Cooperation between Educational Stakeholders" was held at Vasil Levski Secondary School in the village of Manole, Plovdiv district. More than 130 teachers from seven municipalities coming from three districts across the country took part in the forum, presenting their practical experience of introducing intercultural education and child retention at school. Organizers of the event were eleven schools, united by the Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance "Amalipe" under the project "Every student will be a winner-2"...


  "Learning because of learning or preparing for real life?" 60 teachers from schools in Northwest Bulgaria were searching for the answer of that question. In the implementation of the planned joint activities under the project "Every student will be a winner -2", initiated by Amalipe Center, on March 16, 2018 at the NJVaptsarov Primary School in Selanovtsi village, all the teachers of the schools from the "Hristo Botev" School in Galice and Hr.Botev Primary School in Tarnava, united by the significant topic "Practically Applied Aspects of the Teaching Content". Guest...
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