
16.03.2018Drafts of State Education Development Programs 2018 are public for comments

The Ministry of Education stops funding the closure of schools, instead of this it will support all schools by covering retirement benefits for teachers and optimizing the internal staff structure. A special program will provide the resources needed for the scope teams, as schools will receive additional resources to work with parents and will be able to attract organizations, civic centers and other partners in this effort. The qualification of teachers and principals will also be further supported by state budget funds. These and a number of other innovative elements are...

16.03.2018The training for active parents from Northern Bulgaria was held within Every student will be a winner Project

More than 60 parents from Northern Bulgaria participated in a training session entitled "Active Parents for Successful Children" organized by Amalipe Center.  active and successful work has been conducted during the weekend in a quiet and pleasant environment near Veliko Tarnovo. The participants - young parents and local activists, were acquainted with interesting topics such as "The Roma in Bulgaria and their educational attitudes", "How can we achieve a better education process, partnering with the school?", "Key institutions, rights and obligations in education",...

16.03.2018Local authorities, educational institutions and NGOs together for the success of every child

On March 13, in the building of Smyadovo municipality, a congratulatory address was officially given to the Mayor of the Municipality - Mrs. Ivanka Petrova. The team of Amalipe Center formally expressed their gratitude and support for the decision of the Mayor and the Municipal Council to donate part of their salaries and to make kindergartens free for all children in Smyadovo Municipality since March 1st. Amalipe Center specifically congratulates Smyadovo Municipality, as the elimination of fees in kindergartens is one of the policies for access and equal start of children...

13.03.2018Protecting children from violence is not a privilege, but a right and responsibility of the national institutions.

As experts, organizations and networks, working for long years on the topic of violence, we state our position on the recent increase of public cases of children, victims of violence. We are highly concerned from the years-long unsolved issues in the field of child protection and rights of the children in Bulgaria that these cases reflect fully.  Every child needs a responsible adult so he can grow as independent and fully developed person. A number of studies show that the violence have a negative effect on the child. Permanent stress and violence in early age, including...

13.03.2018Nine girls were awarded "Ambassadors for the Day" by the British Embassy

Nine girls will be "Ambassador for the Day" within the initiative of the British Embassy on the International Women's Day March 8th. They will manage the embassies of Great Britain, the Netherlands, Finland, Croatia, Brazil, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Israel and South Africa, together with the ladies-ambassadors of the countries concerned. The awarded girls were selected among more than 80 girls who applyed with essays within the competition initiated by H.E. Emma Hopkins. The winners are:   Valkana Kostova from Varshets will be the Ambassador of Great Britain;   Amide...
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