15.12.2017Training within Bridge to Business project
In the period 04-06 December 2017 in the town of Veliko Tarnovo, CIDT Amalipe organized a training within the Bridge to Business project. The training was held at Panorama hotel.
Lecturers of the training were Teodora Ivanova-Valeva - program coordinator, Anelia Atanasova - career consultant, Ralitsa Dimitrova - researcher and Milen Minchev - communication manager.
The main objective of the Project is to support the access of young people from vulnerable and ethnic groups (18-35 years) with completed secondary education and successfully passed state matriculation exams to...
13.12.2017Round table for pre-school education took place in Montana
H. Е. Denis Knobel, Deputy Ministers of Education Denitsa Sacheva and Social policy Zornitsa Rusinova, Mayor of Montana Zlatko Zhivkov and representatives of non-governmental organizations from Montana and the country participated in a conference on access of Roma children to pre-school education held on 5th of December in the "Prolet" Kindergarten, located in the Roma neighborhood "Kosharnik" in Montana. The event was organized by the Roma Integration Ambassadors Group as an accompanying event at the opening of the new facility of the Kindergarten. Moderator of the round...
12.12.2017CIDT Amalipe organized a stakeholder meeting under the RARE project
CIDT Amalipe organized a Stakeholder Meeting in the context of the implementation of activities under the project "RARE - Change of Discourses and Practices: Roma as a Human Resource".
The event was held at Lesopark Hotel, Lyaskovets. The meeting was attended by representatives of the local employers, municipalities in the area, representatives of the Labor Offices of the Veliko Tarnovo District, the Syndical Regional Union Podkrepa, Veliko Tarnovo, school principals in the area, as well as local educational mediators from the CIDT Amalipe.
During the meeting, the activities...
11.12.2017The students who do not continue their secondary education: how many, where, why and how
In June 2017, both eighth and seventh graders received primary education. Primary schools trained students in eighth grade for the last time. Thus, one of the innovations of the Preschool and School Education Act has come into force - the new educational structure that cuts the boundary of primary education to the seventh grade. Two months later, 11602 specialists, organized in 1103 teams, began searching for 206,000 dropouts and children out of the scope of pre-school and school education. One of the tasks to which those teams and the Regional Governments of Education...
05.12.2017Science and Education for Smart Growth OP: What measures are being taken to take into account the recommendations of the European Commission
What is the state of the Science and Education for Smart Growth OP, what measures are being taken to take into account the recommendations of the European Commission, what operations to be announced in 2018 were among the main topics discussed at the seventh meeting of the Monitoring Committee of OP. It was held on November 24 under the chairmanship of Mr. Kiril Geratliev, Executive Director of EA "Science and Education for Smart Growth Operational Program" and Head of the Managing Authority The forum was attended by the Deputy Minister of Education and Science Prof. Ivan Dimov,...