
16.08.2019Events we should not forget: Dikh He Na Bister. Amalipe Center joins in celebration of August 2, Roma Holocaust Day

Active young people and volunteers from the Center for interethnic dialogue and tolerance “Amalipe” participated in this year`s initiative „DIKH HE NA BISTER“, dedicated to the 75th Anniversary of the largest Roma genocide during the Second World War. It was possible due to the help of the Trust for social achievement and all of the participants  are part of the Educational program of Center Amalipe – “Every student will be a winner” – chairs of school parliaments or participants in the “Equal chance – access...

11.08.2019The post-2020 EU Roma Integration Framework

An ambitious new EU Roma Integration Framework for the post-2020 period should continue the existing one. It will remain and further develop the four present priority areas (employment, education, health and housing)  adding also specific goals and attention on fight against anti-Gypsyism, meeting diversity within the Roma community and expanding Roma precipitation. The European Commission will organize special  workshop on the future of EU Roma policies on 1 October 2019. After an open tender DG Justice of the European Commission assigned a Consortium (composed by...

05.08.2019The final conference of the FinanceGo Project was held in Krems, Austria

  The Danube University in the town of Krems, Austria was a host to the partners in the “FinanceGo: Training educators to implement finance literacy courses for young adults at risk” Project on 29-30th of June. Center Amalipe, represented by Neli Nikolova, educational mediator, and Denitsa Ivanova, coordinator “Youth activities”, participated in the final conferenceof the project on 29th of July, as well as in the partners meeting on 30th of July.  The FinanceGO Project is a two-year initiative,funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action...

05.08.2019Experts from Center Amalipe participated in the making of the first European manifesto of the Roma woman.

On 29th and 30th of July in the heart of Romania – Timisoara, was held the first work meeting from the “Young voices” Project, dedicated to the social inclusion of the Roma women. In the project participate the nongovernmental organizations „Drom Kotar Mastipen“ – Spain,  „АID” - Greece, “II Timisoara” - Romania and Center Amalipe – Bulgaria. During the two days the participants discussed on the important decision to be published the first Manifesto of the Roma woman. The idea for the manifesto was born...

02.08.20193rd Transnational meeting of Young voices project took place on 29th and 30th of July

The third transnational meeting of the Young voices project took place on 29th and 30th of July in Timisoara, Romania. Representatives of the 4 partner countries were attending the meeting. Amalipe Center was presented by Ms Silvia Stancheva and Ms Nikolinka Nikolova. During the meeting particiants discussed the final version of the Manifesto of Romani women and shot a several short videofilms with the voices of young Roma women. The sustainability plan of the project was presented by Ms Silvia Stancheva, since Amalipe Center was leading that part. Some management and financial...
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