
01.06.2008Conference about the financial exclusion took place in Brussels


ConferenceFinancial exclusionimproving access to basic financial servicestook place in Brussels on May 28. It was organized by European Commission. Representatives of EU institutions, national institutions and NGOs took part in the conference.

Mr. Vladimir Spidla, Commissioner on Employment, Equal Opportunities and Social Affairs had the opening address; Mr. Charlie  McCreevy, Commissioner for Internal Market and Services carried out the closing speach. Results from a special survey about the financial exclusion realized in 14 European countries (Bulgaria included) were presented. Lack of bank account and troubles for obtaining a loan were pointed as certain indicators for financial exclusion that is one of the main problem before the social inclusion as a whole. The role of national institutions and European institutions for overcoming the financial exclusion was discused.

In Eastern Europe the percentage of citizens who can not meet the criteria for financial inclusion is significantly higher compared to Weast European countries. The European Commission should play pro-active role for enhansing the national governments to undertake special measures for overcoming the financial exclusion as well as for exchanging good practices. At the same time the Commission should not impose concrete solutions. NGOs should be engaged as real partners in these processes. These were the main conclusion of the discussion.

In his statement Deyan Kolev pointed that the financial exclusion often is based on ethnic, gender and religous discrimination. It is not by chance that the percentage of financially excluded Roma is significantly higher than the one of excluded majority citizens. For example, no bank branch is situated in any of the big Roma neighborhoods (some of them – with 40 000 citizens) in Bulgaria. Roma often can not obtain loans because of different reasons. These provoke deep financial exclusion of big segments of  the society and disturb the overall economic and social development of the county. Tailored approach developed and implemented with the participation of the vulnerable groups is necessary to overcome their exclusion. Deyan Kolev recommended the European Commission to organize special survey of good practices for overcoming the financial exclusion of marginalized ethnic amd migrant communities.

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