
09.10.2018Victory: Herbert Kickl kicked out of the EU Antiracist Group, the sanitary democratic cordon doctrine of the European Commission

Herbert Kickl kicked out of the EU Antiracist Group: EGAM wins a historical victory that allows the European Commission to benefit from a clear doctrine: there now exists a “democratic sanitary cordon” that prevents the FPO and all similar parties in Europe from entering and perverting European democratic institutions.



It is now officially confirmed : thanks to the action of the antiracist & human rights civil society led by EGAM, the Austrian FPO Minister of Interior Herbert Kickl has been kicked out of the next “EU High Level Group on combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance”.


He was previously invited to be the honor guest of this meeting that will take place on the 16th and 17th October in Vienna.

This was a blatant attempt by the FPO to instrumentalize democratic institutions by perverting them in order to serve their strategy of “dedemonization”, and for the Austrian government to use its Presidency of the Council of the EU to try to wash itself of the infamy that the presence of the heirs of Nazism within it represents.


This is a historical history against these attempts by the FPO and all other similar parties in Europe.


As of now, the European Commission benefits from a clear doctrine : there is a “democratic sanitary cordon” to protect European democratic institutions from perversion by intrusion of such parties and individuals.

EGAM and the European civil society will keep being vigilant to make sure this doctrine is always respected.


The primacy of the EU’s fundamental values reaffirmed by the European Commission on this occasion strengthens the humanists and is a signal of support to all the ones who fight on a daily basis all over the continent for these values.



Here is the list of the prominent figures and organizations who took part in the EGAM-led campaign:


Benjamin Abtan, President of the European Grassroots Antiracist Movement – EGAM, Coordinator of the Elie Wiesel Network of parliamentarians of Europe, Beate, Arno and Serge Klarsfeld, Lawyers, Leaders of the Sons and Daughters of Jews deported from France association (Germany & France), Lena Köhler, President of the Student Union of University of Vienna (Austria), Richard J. Roberts, 1993 Nobel Prize for Medicine (UK),Oliviero Toscani, Visual artist, Photographer (Italy), Beni Hess & Bini Guttmann, Presidents of the Austrian Union of Jewish Students (Austria), Nadia Gortzounian &Nicolas Tavitian, President and Director of the Armenian General Benevolent Union Europe - AGBU (Belgium), Gabriela Hrabanova, Executive Director of the European Roma Grassroots Organisation Network - ERGO (Czech Republic), Balint Josa, Coordinator of United Againt Racism and for Intercultural Action (Hungary), Livia Fränkel, President of the Association of Holocaust Survivors in Sweden (Sweden), Willi Hejda, Chairperson of Student Union of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (Austria), Johanna Ortega Ghiringhelli, President of the International Union Of Socialist Youth, Gérard Biard, Editor-in-chief of Charlie Hebdo (France), Hilde Grammel, President of the 20 000 Women Platform (Austria), Can Dündar, Journalist (Turkey), Pascal Bruckner, Essayist, Writer (France), Benjamin Stora, Historian (France), Fadela Amara, Former Minister (France), Svetlana Gannushkina, Board Member of Memorial (Russia), Marie Darrieussecq, Writer (France), Michel Boujenah, Actor, Director (France), Jimmy Losfeld President of the Student General Associations Federation – FAGE (France), Dominique Sopo, President of SOS Racisme (France), Lila Le Bas,President of the National Union of Students of France – UNEF (France), MarioStasi, President of the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism – LICRA (France), Ali Bayramoglu, Author and political commentator (Turkey), David Albrich, Spoksperson of the Left-wing platform movement Linkswende jetzt (Austria), SihemHabchi, Recipient of the Simone de Beauvoir Price, Director of Aurore, Former President of Ni Putes Ni Soumises (France), Boris Raonić, President of Civic Alliance (Montenegro), Elie Chouraqui, Director, Screenwriter, Producer (France), AshmetElezovski and Irfan Martez, Presidents of the National Roma Centrum (Macedonia), ArielGoldmann, President of the Unified Jewish Social Fund (France), AshmetElezovski and Rudolf Kawczynski, Roma National Congress (Germany), Irsan Jasharevski, President of Symbiosiz Roma association (Macedonia), Oriol Valery Hrytsuk, Coordinator of Independent Democrats Against Authoritarian Regimes – IAIDAR (Poland),Hristo Ivanovski, President of Alliance for Human Rights (Macedonia), Oriol Lopez Badell, Coordinator of the European Observatory on Memories – EUROM (Spain), Richard Giragosian, Director of the Regional Studies Center (Armenia), Patrice Leclerc, Mayor of Gennevilliers (France), Deyan Kolev & Teodora Krumova, Presidents of the Amalipe Center (Bulgaria), Frederico Fubini, Journalist and author (Italy), Michel Mallard, Cultural Activist at La Fabrica (Italy), Baskin Oran, Human Rights Activist (Turkey), Ivo Goldstein, History Professor, University of Zagreb, former Croatian Ambassador to France (Croatia), Magdalena Czyż, President of Open Republic (Poland), SimonClarke, Associate Professor at the American University of Armenia (Armenia), Marian Mandache, Executive Director of Romani Criss (Romania), DalykaliGomez Baos,General Coordinator of the Organizing Process of the Rrom-Gitano People of Colombia -Prorrom (Colombia), Tomas Kubilius, Spokesperson of the Human Rights Monitoring Institute (Lithuania), Advija Ibrahimovic, Spokesperson of Women from Srebrenica (Bosnia), Hugo Billard,History Professor (France), Menia Goldstein and Ina Van Looy, President and Director of the CEC of the Jewish Secular Community Center CCLJ (Belgium), Armand Back, Journalist (Luxembourg), RithyPanh, Director, Writer (France), Macha Fogel, Journalist at Le Monde des Religions (France), Cengiz Aktar, Associate Professor of Political Sciences, University of Athens (Greece), André Sirota, Author and University Professor (France), Ofer Bronchtein, President of the International Forum for Peace (France), Alban Perrin, Training Coordinator at Shoah Memorial (France), Caroline Mecary, Elected member of the Paris Regional Council (France), Roberto Romero, Elected member of the Paris Regional Council (France), Annette Levy-Willard, Journalist and Author (France), Pascal Blanchard, Historian (France),PanayoteDimitras, Spokesperson of Greek Helsinki Monitor (Greece), Pierre Henry, President of France Fraternités (France), VincentWorms, President of Tsadik Foundation (Switzerland), Alain Lempereur, Professor at Brandeis Heller School & Harvard PON (France), NoëlMamère, Journalist and former Member of Parliament (France), Pavlos Tsimas, Journaliste at Skai TV (Greece), IliasPanchard, Town Councilor in Lausanne (Switzerland), AnnieLulu, Poetess (France, Romania), Charles Enderlin, Journalist (France), RenéLéonian, Secretary General at the French Biblical Alliance (France), AymericGivord, Member of the board at Ibuka (France), Alain Grabarz, President of Hachomer Hatzair (France), DominiqueTricaud, Lawyer, former member of the French Lawyers Council (France), BrigitteStora, Author, Documentarian, Journalist (France), Gérard Prunier, International Consultant on Africa and its Security Issues (France), MarcKnobel, Historian (France), Ramazan Dyryldaev, Chairman of the Kyrgyz Committee for Human Rights (France), Reyan Tuvi, Documentary filmmaker (Turkey), Guillaume Leingre, Author (France), Bojan Stankovic, Director of Youth Intiative for Human Rights (Serbia), Ewa Grzegrzółka, Spokesperson of the Association of Legal Intervention (Poland), Hubert Heindl, APTE- International HR and Peace Project Consultancy (Germany), Ales Kuslan director of Ekvilib Institute (Slovenia), Urša Raukar, The actress (Croatia), Yves Ternon Historian (France), Nassim Mekeddem, Vice President of Student Union FAGE (France), Jacques Maire, MP (France), Henriette Asséo, Historian (France), Christine Priotto, Mayor of Dieulefit (France), Julien Dray Elected at the Paris Regional Council (France), Didi Reda, Founder of “Graines de France” (France), François Levent Co-President MRAP Nantes (France), Catherine de Wenden, SciencePo University Professor (France), Jacky Mamou, President of Darfur Emergency Collective (France), William Bourdon, Lawyer (France), Patrick Klugman, Deputy Mayor of Paris (France), Kendal Nezan, Director of the -Kurdish Institute of Paris (France), Guillaume Denoix de Saint Marc, French Association of Victims of Terrorism (France), Ismael Wa Muhikira, Genocide Studies and Prevention from University of Rwanda (Rwanda), Jana Horváthová, Director of the Museum of Roma Culture in Brno (Czech Republic), Alain Lempereur, The Slifka Professor of Coexistence and Conflict Resolution at Brandeis University’s Heller School for Social Policy (USA), Dominique Attias, Lawyer, former Vice Batonniere of the Paris Bar (France), Patrice Leclerc, Mayor of Gennevilliers (France), Franck Papazian, Co-president of the Armenian Community in France (France), Eliott Pavia, Spokesperson of the Socialist Youth Movement (France) Sonia Bedrosian, Honorary President of ÚGAB Sofia (Bulgaria), Alain Grabarz, President of the Hachomer Hatzaïr Youth Movement (France), Jean Michel, The Directorate of Research and Doctoral Studies (France), Olivier Damaisin, MP (France), Sovachana Pou, Deputy Director of Research and Publication at the Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP) (Cambodia), Daniel Sovachana, Consulting with members of our ExCo (Switzerland), Renée Le Mignot, Co-President of MRAP - Movement Against Racism and for Friendship among Peoples (France), Cyril Hennion, President of the Jean Moulin Humanist Citizen Union (France), Philippe Blondin, President of the Jewish Museum of Belgium (Belgium), Godefroy Mokamanédé, Deputy Coordinator at POED-(Central Africa), Meiwald Peter, Head of Africa and Middle East Department(Germany), Angela Scalzo, Secretary General of SOS Racism Italy, Vice president of EGAM (Italy), Alena Krempaska, Institut ludskych prav - Human Rights Institute (Slovakia), Jette M. Møller, President of SOS Racism (Denmark), Pari Ibrahim, Founder and Executive Director, Free Yezidi Foundation (Netherlands), Sabina Achterbergh, President of the Sinti Association, Roma, Travelers Netherlands (Netherlands), Ilias Panchard Municipal Councilor in Lausanne (Switzerland), Marigona Shabiu, Sppokesperson of Youth Initiative for Human Rights (Kosovo), Paula Sawicka, Chairwoman of the Program Board of Open Republic Association (Poland), Armen Vardanyan, Armenian-Ukrainian association (Armenia), YousifA. Salih, Local Director Kirkuk, Jiyan Foundation for Human Rights (Iraki Kurdistan), Burhan Shamo, Yazidi Human rights Activist (Iraq), Aristotale,Head of the royal academy of Macedonia (Macedonia), Frédéric Encel, Geopolitics Professor (France), Flemming Rose, Journalist and researcher (Denmark), Jacques Jenny, photographer (France), Andrzej Luczak, President of the Roma community of Poland (Poland), Almoutassim Al Kilani, Programme Coordinator, Justice and Rule of Law Unit (Syria), Bruno Gonçalves Gomes, Spokesperson of the Human Rights association (Portugal), Eleni Takou, Human Rights 360 (Ghana), Damian Wutke, Secretary General of Open Republic Association (Poland), Poland, Magda Czyż, Board Member of Open Republic Association (Poland), Maximilien Lerat, President of the Young Socialists Movement (Belgium), Seray Genc, Film Critic (Turkey), Luděk Strašák, Head of Memorials, Museum of Romani, Culture (Czech Republic), Doros Polykarpou, Director of KISA – Action for Equality, Support, Antiracism (Cyprus), Jean Pierre Dusingizemungu, President of Ibuka (Rwanda), Suleman Shuker, Yazidi human Rights Activist (Iraq), Donald Edward, Representative of the Nigerian Community in Greece (Greece), Yaroslav Hrytsak, Professor at the Ukrainiian Catholic University (Ukraine), Luciana Minassian, University of Buenos Aires, Law School .(Spain), Margret Kiener Nellen, National Councillor (Switzerland), Avtandil Mikaberidze, Director Cultural Centre "Caucasus", President, Georgian Institute at Athens (Greece), Nurcan Baysal, Activist, writer (Turkey), Josef Zissels, Human rights activist and Ukrainian dissident.(Ukraine), Chrystelle Brassinne, President at Luxembourg National Youth Council (CGJL) (Luxembourg), Prince Naif Dawood, President of Yazidi Independent Supreme Council(Germany), Gabriele Zimmer, MEP (Germany), Henry C Theriault, President, International Association of Genocide Scholars(Australia), Lisa Mazzone, National Advisor (France), Daria Mustafina, Director of Institute of Partnership and Sustainable Development (Ukraine), Boris Raonić, President of Civic Alliance (Montenegro),Filiz Kerestecioğlu, MP (Turkey), Martin Holler, Historian (Germany), Omar Mohammed Founder of Mosul Eye (Iraq), Ruben Mehrabyan, Expert at the Armenian Center for Political and International Studies (Armenia), Leon Egan, Spokesperson of the Irish Second-Level Students' Union (Ireland), Sayat Tekir, Activist of the Armenian Nor Zartonk movement (Turkey), Renée Le Migno, Pierre Mairat & Jean François Quantin, co-presidents of the MRAP - Movement Against Racism and for Friendship among Peoples (France), Nour-Eddine Skiker, President of the association Milestones for peace (France), Marek Gumkowski, President of Open Republic Association Against Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia (Poland), Sabiha Souleiman, President of "Elpida" Roma Women Association (Greece),Elisa von Joeden-Forgey, President of Genocide Watch (United States of America), Aldo Merkoci, Spokesperson of Mjaft! (Albania), Irena Petrovic, Director of Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) (Bosnia), Ivan Buljan, Development Coordinator atYouth Initiative for Human Rights(Croatia), Mario Mazic, Program Director Youth Initiative for Human Rights(Croatia), Miroslav Broz, Spokesmen of Konexe (Czech Republic), Daryl Taylor, Spokesperson of Rasmus Network (Finland), Moavia Ahmed, Greek Forum for Migrants (Greece), Jeno Setet & Peter Bogdan, Leader and Spokesperson of civil rights of Roma of We Belong Here (Hungary), Marigona Shabiu, Executive Director of Youth Initiative for Human Rights (Kosovo), Valerian Mamaliga, President of Moldovan Institute for Human Rights (Moldova), Natalia Tarmas, Board Member of the Committee for the Defense of Democracy (Poland) Jovana Vukovic, Director of the Regional Center for Minorities (Serbia),Petra Hartmann, project manager - Ekvilib (Slovenia), Godwyll Osei Amoako, President of Centrum Mot Rasism (Sweden), Alem Bennett, Director of Sweden's Anti-Discrimination Bureau (Sweden), Levent Sensever, spokesman for Durde (Turkey), Andrea Haerle, Executive Director of Romano Centro (Germany), DavidAssouline, Vice-President of the Senate (France), John Mann, Member of Parliament (United Kingdom), Carles Campuzano i Canadés, Member of Parliament (Spain), Brahim Hammouche, Member of Parliament (France), Hubert Julien-Laferrière, Member of Parliament (France), NicolasTurquois, Member of Parliament (France), Monique Limon, Member of Parliament (France), Sébastien, Nadot, Member of Parliament (France), Niedermüller Péter, Member of Parliament (Belgium), Gregorio Cámara Villar, Member of Parliament (Spain), Katia Segers, Member of Parliament (Belgium), Ruth Lister, Member of Parliament (United Kingdom), Lisa Mazzone, Member of Parliament (Switzerland), Paul Molac, Member of Parliament (France), Said Abdu, Member of Parliament (Sweden), Ana Gomes, Member of the European Parliament (Portugal), Boris Zala, Member of the European Parliament(Slovakia), Milorad Pupovac, Member of the European Parliament (Croatia), Julie Ward, Member of European Parliament (United Kingdom)


Sourse: EGAM

Center Amalipe is EGAM founding member

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