
24.10.2019Preparation of operational programs for the new programming period begins

The Amalipe Center will participate in the working groups on the preparation of the new Operational Programs Science and Education, Human Resources Development and Regional Development. The chairman of the organization Deyan Kolev was elected as a representative of the organizations working for social inclusion of the integration of marginalized groups in the working group for the preparation of the new operational program Science and Education.

In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria 142/2019 for the development of the strategic and programming documents of the Republic of Bulgaria for the management of the funds from the European Union funds for the programming period 2021-2027, the managing bodies of the new operational programs organized procedures for the selection of representatives of civic organizations in the working groups. The Amalipe Center is applying for participation in three of the new programs, namely Science and Education, Human Resources Development and Regional Development.

The working groups for the preparation of the new operational programs bring together representatives of major institutions, social partners, employers and trade unions, as well as groups of non-governmental organizations. The Decree identifies five groups of non-governmental organizations that elect their representatives, one of these groups is "organizations working in the field of social inclusion and integration of marginalized groups". According to the decree, the approved organizations elect one representative and up to three alternates to the respective working group. Roma organizations and organizations working to integrate other vulnerable groups have designated as their representatives:

Operational Program Science and Education: Deyan Kolev from Amalipe Center. Lawyer Milena Kadieva of Gender Alternatives, Spaska Petrova of the New Road Association and Gancho Iliev of the World Without Borders Association were elected as alternates;

Operational Program Human Resources Development: Spaska Petrova from the New Road Association. The alternates are Albena Kostadinova, Indi Roma Social Foundation, Milena Ilieva, World Without Borders, and Lili Makaveeva, Integro Association.

Operational Program for the Development of the Regions: Gancho Iliev from the World Without Borders Association. Asya Dobrudzhalieva from the Habitat Foundation, Albena Krasteva from the Altruist Association and Albena Kostadinova from the Indie Roma Foundation were elected as alternates

The first meeting of the working group on preparation of the new Operational Science and Education Program will be held on 29 October.

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