
Introducing intercultural education and educational integration for Roma children

Intercultural education is one of the leading aspects for modernization of Bulgarian education system to answer the needs of children and their parents. Intercultural education is directed both, to minority and majority children. Its major goal is building mutual knowledge about each other, tolerance and friendship among...


ROMA FEASTS AND CUSTOMS BANGOVASSILI – ST. BASIL’S DAY St.Basil's Day or Bango Vassili (literally "Limping Vassil") is celebrated by all Romani groups in Central Bulgaria. It is generally known as the "Romani New Year." Kaldarashi and Rudari celebrate the feast more modestly unlike Yerlii, and especially...

Romani Feasts and Customs

Before going into details of the Romani feasts we need first to discuss their most important general characteristics. This is aimed to argue the usage of the concept "Romani feast" (as far as the same question of whether there are original Romani elements in the feast, celebrated by Roma, can be posed here). The...

Roma in Bulgaria

ROMA COMMUNITIES IN BULGARIA TODAY Roma who live in Bulgaria today have settled here in different times coming from different places. The first wave from a historical point of view is the one that flooded the Balkans in the 12th, 13th, and the 14th centuries. The Balkans, from a pure geographic point of view, are the natural...

Gender equality and prevention of early marriages

Gender equality THE PROBLEM The Romani woman is object of multiple discrimination: as Roma and as woman. The educational, social and health status of Romani women is twice lower than the one of Roma men and eight times lower than the one of majority women. Romani women are sharply underrepresented in public institutions,...

Advocacy Activities

  Although Roma is the biggest minority in Bulgaria, with  more than 10% of the total population (or more than 800,000 people.); they still remain underrepresented within institutions, the government and political parties. The latter does not perceive Roma integration as a priority and hardly promotes Roma integration...

Roma Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) appeared to be an effective public awareness and advocacy tool for the rights of vulnerable groups. To fulfill its tasks M&E should be based on a participatory approach in order to guarantee that the point of view of the vulnerable groups is the leading one. In addition it should...

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