Completed Projects

Young Voices for Social Inclusion of Romani Women Advancing knowledge on fundamental rights for lawyers Working together for Roma Inclusive education Early Marriage Prevention Network Project SERCo: Social Entrepreneurship for Roma Communities FamilyEduNet - Families for Educational Success EDU - FIN: (Developing participative processes for the generation of a financial education curriculum addressed to young adults at risk) Spirit of Nature Early Marriage - Culture or Abuse? EDU-ROM. Promoting the access of Roma to LLP, VET and employment through family education in primary schools Civil society and Roma participation in the implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy - guarantee for effectiveness Every student could be a winner "SHEROES" -against honour related violence Empowering girls with a migration background to lead self-determined lives PAIRS - Effective Programmes for the Active Integration/Inclusion of the Roma in South-East Europe A STEP FORWARD - EMPOWERING YOUNG PEOPLE AND WOMEN FROM LOCAL ROMA COMMUNITIES Project “Youth is Tolerance” KeyRoma Rom-UP! The inclusion of Roma through quality successful educational experiences KEYROMA: Develop Key Competences in Social Skills for Roma Women to increase their participation in the service sector Promoting social inclusion of young people in marginalised rural communities The National Roma Integration Strategy in Bulgaria: moving from good documents to good actions Program Project „To touch the untouchable: combating traditional and new anti-roma stereotypes”, financed by the European Commission under the Fundamental Rights and Citizenship Programme PROMOTING PARTICIPATORY FIELD WORK AT GRASS-ROOT LEVEL IN MARGINALIZED AND TRADITIONAL ROMA COMMUNITIES Advocacy for Roma Educational Integration through the new Public Education Act Raising the sensitivity of national and regional health structures towards Roma(ni women) health issues DECREASING THE DROP-OUT RATE AMONG ROMA CHILDREN PREVENTING FORCED MARRIAGES Establishing model for civil society participation and Roma participation in European funds absorption at local level Creating a model for decreasing the drop-out of school rate among Roma Making more funds for Roma - PLATFORM Project Introducing intercultural education in Veliko TurnovoMunicipality Investigation of the ethnic and social characteristics of the Roma with preferred Turkish consciousness If the song has been heard there once, it will be heard again Creating Romani Amateur Groups Ethnographic documentaries about the spring Roma customs Stories and Memories: Roma in North-East Bulgaria Roma Customs and Traditions Preserving and popularizing Roma culture in Central and North-East Bulgaria Roma in South-Eastern Europe: Towards EU Accession Development of multicultural education
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