
20.01.2012Cleaning Campaign in the Roma the neighborhood in Novi Pazar


During the not so enjoyable afternoon of January 19, 2012 moderators of the Center for Community Development - Novi Pazar in cooperation with the municipality of Novi Pazar organized a campaign to clean the Roma neighborhood in the town. Just in two hours and despite the bad weather to the initiative responded all the students from the School Parliament of "Nikola Vaptsarov", Elementary School, Novi Pazar;  high school students in Agriculture, neighborhood volunteers and representatives of the Family and Advisory Center. Personally the Mayor of Novi Pazar, Mr. Rumen Panayotov and Deputy Mayor Mrs. Kurteva provided the transport for disposal of the waste collected. During the initiative the representatives of the Student Parliament chose also the Parliament’s name - Amalipe. They now recognize it as part of the Center for Community Development, created by Amalipe.
With this campaign, participants showed that the Roma community is active and there are socially engaged young people and society must get acquainted with the best examples of the community. On the other hand the neighborhood residents said they were very pleasantly surprised by how many Roma youths were involved in the event and that such measures are important to develop the discipline and the work skills of young people.
The initiative is planned to be continued as the moderator decided once a month to initiate the cleaning of certain areas in the town.

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