
01.03.2012French Ambassador HE Philippe Autié visited Center Amalipe

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On 28.02. the French Ambassador HE Philippe Autié  Amalipe had a meeting with Center Amalipe as part of his visit to Veliko Tarnovo, associated with the exhibition "The archives of the planet" of photographs taken by the "operators" of the famous French banker and philanthropist Albert Kahn a century ago . Within an hour and a half he discussed with  Amalipe team the situation of Roma in Bulgaria, the public attitudes regarding integration and the case of "Katunitsa", its causes and consequences. Teodora Krumova briefed the Ambassador about the activities of Amalipe in education and in particular the overall program of Amalipe for introducing intercultural education including Roma Culture Classes in the school curriculum. Atanas Stoyanov presented the work of the Community Development Centres, created by Amalipe in six municipalities in Bulgaria. His Excellence was intrigued by the trends in the community and the change in attitudes to education. He and Veronique North-Mink, First Secretary and Attache on institutional and technical cooperation strongly agreed that the positive examples in the community should be encouraged and promoted. They are not only role models that can support the development of the community itself, but also the most effective agents of change not only inside the community but also in terms of changing the attitudes towards the Roma community in the mainstream society. The guests left with a wish for further joint initiatives, and the desire to be guests of the ninth edition of the Roma Children's Festival "Open Heart", which Amalipe has been organizing on June 9-10 in Veliko Turnovo.

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