
26.07.2012"Club K7" Veliko Tarnovo took part in the 4th European Road Safety Day


By decision of the European Commission, July 25, 2012 was proclaimed the Fourth European Road Safety Day. The main theme of the day is "Active participation of young people in road safety"

Road accidents are a major cause of high mortality among young people 15 to 24 years. Due to the very minor and superficial idea which we obtain about road safety from a compulsory subject in primary school, level of knowledge of young people and is generally very low.
To solve the problem of road accidents we should increase the attention not only to all the accidents that happen around us, but rather on how to avoid them.

With the combined efforts of parents, families, schools and universities, the municipalities where we live, state institutions, NGOs and professional organizations, businesses, we can achieve a lot, but mostly to reduce the alarming statistics of dead and injured from the accident. The statistics are alarming not only in Bulgaria but in Europe. It shows that each year throughout the European Union around 6000 young people lose their lives and more than 60,000 received serious injuries.

In our country in 2011 in road accidents 120 young people were killed and 1895 - injured. Despite all efforts of citizens and organizations to reduce these cases in the first half of 2012 were registered 2854 accidents with 244 dead and 3451 injured citizens. Analysis of individual cases shows that most of these accidents were preventable.

25th of July 2012 is chosen to be the 4th European Road Safety Day.

In Veliko Turnovo a campaign on the theme "Road Safety" was held and it was organized by the Regional health inspectorate, the Regional Directorate of Interior, Police and Center Amalipe. Volunteers of the "Club K7" - Veliko Tarnovo and Bulgarian Youth Red Cross also participated actively. Thus, together with joint efforts young people showed that they will fight for their own safety on the road.

Volunteers distributed information materials, leaflets and stickers with the logo of the campaign. The materials were intended not only for adults but also to children. Parents promised to put stickers on school backpacks of children in the beginning of the school year. People received the materials with a smile and gave positive feedback and expressed how happy they are to see such active and positive young citizens.

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