
17.08.2012STATEMENT RELATING THE NEW CONCEPT OF Operational Program "Human Resources Development" 2014 -2020


The proposed concept version of the new HRD OP 2014 - 2020, contained a very good basis for the development of the Operational Program "Human Resources Development" for the new programming period. We support the documents and key proposals set out in it!

In particular, we express satisfaction of the following conditions:

1. On page 5 for a description of sector and cross-sector strategic documents must fulfill the new OP "Human Resources Development" listed National Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for Roma Integration, the Framework Program for Equal Integration of Roma in Bulgarian Society, the Action plan for the implementation of the Decade of Roma Inclusion and the Strategy for Educational integration of Children and students from Ethnic Minorities. We strongly support this because the new HRD OP should be one of the tools for implementing integration policy

At the same time mentioning the Framework Program for Equal Integration of Roma in Bulgarian society could be abandoned, as it was replaced by the National Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria for Roma Integration. We offer the sector strategic documents to be completed with adding the Health Strategy for disadvantaged persons belonging to ethnic minorities, adopted by the Council of Ministers in September 2006;

2. On page 6 the target groups included "ethnic minorities" and "marginalized communities";


3. Of particular importance to us is that on page 11, under the priority "2. Reducing poverty and promoting social inclusion" is proposed investment priority "integration of marginalized communities such as Roma." We strongly demand this investment priority to be retained in the final version of HRD and to be the main investment priority in the Priority Axes "Reducing poverty and promoting social inclusion" (within the requirement for thematic concentration, according to Art. 4 of the ESF Regulations)

4. We also offer table areas of Specific attention (p. 8) are amended as follows:

Access to employment - low employment and high unemployment among the marginalized ethnic groups such as Roma

Living - higher risk of poverty and social exclusion for members of marginalized ethnic groups such as Roma



Submit by Deyan Kolev, representatives of social organizations working for the integration of minority ethnic groups and immigrants

It was drawn up after consultation with member organizations in the group: NGO "World Without Borders", Association "New Road" L.A.R.G.O. Association, SF "Indy - Roma 97" Foundation "Health and Social development ", the" Health of Roma " Foundation, Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance "AMALIPE"

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