
14.11.2012Visiting schools, working for educational integration in Macedonia


From 5th to 7th of November  Tanya Vanova - a representative of the educational program of the Center Amalipe unofficially visited five schools in Macedonia, working toward educational integration of minority children.

The theme of the visit was in connection with the program- Decreasing the Dropout Rate Among Roma Students, financed by America for Bulgaria Foundation, which center Amalipe implemented in many schools throughout Bulgaria; whether we have common problems, can we help each other, what together we can do for  more attractive, more tolerant and quality education. The concept and the results of the program, EPA Ethnic Folklore - Roma Folklore were presented and methods of work with schools involved in the program for the third year.

Three schools were visited in the town of Kumanovo - "Bratya Miladinovi" Primary school, "Kraste Misirkov" Primary school and "Vuk Karadzhik" Primary school. In all three schools was made a meeting with teachers, principals, psychologists and educators. They shared their experience of working with children, the role of  psychologist in school,  activities with parents, problems and difficulties they encounter in their daily work. The past year the three schools have worked with educational mediators under the project National Roma Center, the town of Kumanovo.

The visit to the Bratya Miladinovi Primary school in the village of Miladinovi, Ilinden municipality was very interesting. In the same school Center Amalipe has realized activities under the joint project with the National Roma Centre - the town of Kumanovo. There is a Community Development Center to assist teaching staff in activities with students, parents and the Roma community.

Most exciting of all visits was the one made in the largest Roma school Bratya Ramiz I Hamed , located in the Shutka neighborhood, municipality  of Shuto Orizari, Skopje. The school has more than 2,000 children, 98 percent of whom are Roma. It works in three shifts, has got 90 people - teaching staff and good facilities. On top of the hill in the most famous neighborhood in Skopje, the principal, who is also Roma greeted us with a big smile, her eyes filled with excitement and lots of stories and questions.

 Interactive methods of work, school class projects, love to work, teachers’ trainings, common events - Open House for Parents and Curious Visitors - these are the things that help us maintain the children's laughter in the corridors, to keep parents up to us and to keep the identity of the Roma, said Mrs. Gyulsefa – the school principal.

Despite different educational systems of two neighboring countries and the presence of a computer for everyone, even for the smallest second-grade students in Macedonia, and insufficient classrooms and poor facilities in schools across Bulgaria – the problems remain the same. ... stereotypes, prejudices, few active parents, waves of departing families abroad.

We cannot find resolution of all issues but together we can help a lot. There is a lot  to learn from each other, we have much to share and talk - for  - a pleasant environment at school, happy parents and happy children's eyes!

We are grateful to the National Roma Center , the town of Kumanovo, Ashmet Elezovski, Irfan Martez and their entire team, who are not only  good partners of Center Amalipe, but also were wonderful hosts.

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