
14.03.2013Regional Meeting of Directors from southwest region, operating under the "Reduction of Roma children drop out of school", Dolna Banya


            On 11 and 12 March 2013 in the Village resort "Cedar" -  Dolna Banya was held one of the six directors’ meetings under the program "Reduction of Roma children drop out of school", organized by CIEDT Amalipe. Principals of the schools participating in the program, from the southwestern region have been invited to the meeting (Sofia city, region of Sofia, Kyustendil, Blagoevgrad,Pazardzhik). Mrs. Rozelina Zasheva - Senior REI-Pernik and Mr. Hristo Andreev - Head of RIE-Sofia area were active participants in the meeting.

   During the meeting, the directors were informed about the results achieved in the implementation of the program in all 173 schools in the first semester of this school year. All of the participants discussed the weak points in the work, which require hard work and support, not only from the school, but from many other institutions and factors: mainly using innovative methods in working with parents to include the family in the common goal-the education of all children, especially the ethnic minorities, Roma people. The number of 12 early marriages is not a big number, but the trend of continuous existence of the problem remains. All participants accepted with satisfaction the reported fact that the number of dropouts significantly decreases. This is, of course, thanks to the work of teams of principals, teachers, CCD, the office of Amalipe and all state and local institutions supporting the program. Each school differently presented his work, which was very useful-methodological, pedagogical, managerial approaches, especially teamwork.

   Pilot schools had the opportunity to learn from the mentoring ones and even received ready materials during the meeting.

  During the second day of the workshop, principals shared how they see the development and continuation of the program. All shared their opinion; the range of the program should be widened to students in high schools and vocational schools.

    In the late afternoon our kind hosts from CCD-Dolna Banya, Stoyan and Svetla led their guests to walk and show them an attractive ostrich farm, where the trainer and a tour guide was ...a teacher!

   Moderators of the two-day seminar, Atanas Kuzmanov-regional coordinator and R. Yordanova senior coordinatorin Amalipe Center praised the effectiveness of the meeting. R. Yordanova and Atanas Kuzmanov attended the schools in Dolna Banya and  Aprilovo, although not included in the agenda.

                I am happy with the fact that in the visited regions Amalipe Center is a name of trust and what bothers me is the fact that people have huge expectations for assistance of Amalipe Center, said R. Yordanova, breaking with all participants in the meeting.


Successful completion of the school year 2012/2013, colleagues and friends!

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