
19.03.2013The European Commission organized a forum on early school leaving


                Over 150 experts participated in the first Partnership meeting on policies to reduce early school leaving (ESL). The forum was organized by the General Directorate "Education and Culture" of the European Commission. It was attended by representatives of national ministries of education from EU Member States, NGOs and schools. Bulgaria was represented by Ilko Jordanov ("Open Society Institute"), Deyan Kolev (Center "Amalipe") and Tyanka Kardjilova (Director of “Paisii Hilendarski” School -Galabovo). The event was held on 15 March in Brussels.

The forum was opened by Havier Monnet, Deputy General Director "Education and Culture" of the European Commission. He stressed that reducing early school leaving is one of the main tasks set by the "Europe 2020" strategy. Sufficient resources through the European Social Fund will be allocated for its achievement. Member States have a lot of experience that can be shared and open problems, which can seek assistance, so the format "Partner Meeting" will be extended by the European Commission.

During the plenary session on Bulgaria Ilko Jordanov presented the main steps taken by the Bulgarian government to reduce ESL: implementing a whole-day organization of the learning process, a two-year pre-school education, free textbooks till 7th grade, etc. He also presented a draft strategy to prevent and reduce dropouts and early school leavers (2013-2020), made from the Ministry of Education and published for public consultation on 13 March (see home/2013/13-03-13_proekt-strategia.html)

Deyan Kolev presented the experience of the "Amalipe" Centre from the project "Reducing the Roma children drop out of school." It is currently taking place in 180 schools by applying a complex educational intervention for transforming the school into an integrated system using intercultural education and engaging parents and students in its activities. The model includes activities to engage parents (eg creating Parent club, etc..) activities for motivating students (introduction of the practice of students- mentors, creating a School Parliament, etc.), introduction of intercultural education (by EPA " Ethnic Folklore ', extracurricular activities, the subjects in mandatory training) and training teachers to work in a multicultural environment. The results of the past year showed that such intervention in the involved schools the dropout was reduced from 2.4% to 0.68%, which is below average one.

Tyanka Kardjilova told about the experience of her school. For a year now it has been participating in the "Reducing the Roma children drop out of school” program, initiated by the "Amalipe" Center, and during the first term of the school year it didn’t allow a single dropout. A key element was found to be the creation of a parent club. "There are 36 parents of Roma and Bulgarian origin participating in our Parent club. They not only help in cases of children at risk of dropping out, but also participate in meetings of the Staff Council, give suggestions that I usually make true, "said Mrs. Kardjilova.

Participants asked many questions. The main conclusion from the discussion that took place was that legal and social measures implemented by the Ministry of Education are important prerequisites, but that the specific work of schools and initiatives such as "Reducing the Roma children dropout of school" can lead to significantly reduced early school leavers. And these are the lives saved, summarized the participants.

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