
26.04.2013A workshop for community moderators was organized by Amalipe Center


The meeting was held in three consecutive days from 14 to 16 April in spirit of creative atmosphere and exchange of experience. It was attended by moderators from Community development Centers, established by  Amalipe Center  on the territory of 13 municipalities: Veliko Tarnovo, Gorna Oryahovitsa, Pavlikeni, Byala Slatina, Novi Pazar, Etropole,Peshtera, Radnevo, Kameno, Knezha,Dolna Banya,Strajitsa and Kardam. The event is part of the activities carried out in the framework of two projects  of Amalipe Center: project "Step Forward - empowering young people and women from the local community" and project "Promoting social inclusion of young people from vulnerable rural areas ". Both projects focused at the development of local social capacity in marginalized Roma community. The most  important for the development of the Roma community is the development of its social capital, which is to develop the ability of people to organize themselves  together, using available local resources and work together to define and achieve common interests and goals.


That is why the work of the community moderators requires them to be flexible and to learn new skills. In this respect, during the three days  their work was  combined in the exchange of experience among centers, training of moderators how to  organize public campaigns in the local community, which develop their specific activities and planning skills for the next two months.


The first day the focus of the work was on  exchanging information relating what have been done in each municipality since the last general meeting of the moderators and subsequent planning of their activities for the next period. Joint meetings of community moderators are held for two months, with a view to their effective partnership and teamwork. The goal is in their follow –up plan to  implement activities aimed at both the local community in the territory of the municipality and joint campaigns and activities between centers.


During the second day the meeting was in the form of a workshop "Organizing and conducting community campaigns." Implementation of specific community campaign is part of the development of the Roma community. Campaigns, community events, in response of the needs of  the local community and through them  aims to activate the sense of citizenship of the population in a particular village. In the first part of the working day the participants gained knowledge about: What is a campaign? Why organize a campaign? Where and with whom ? How to organize and conduct the campaign? Types of campaigns.


In the second half of the workday moderators were asked to produce designs for organizing a community campaign. In this task participants were very creative and based on their good knowledge of the community in their villages and as a result of their work different and interesting ideas were exchanged.


In the third and final day of the meeting, training moderators discussed opportunities for strengthening structures to mobilize the community and the local community in the pilot municipalities. In this connection, the participants discussed the future creation and  testing  the local clubs development as complementary units of the structure of the existing  centers for community development and the existing position Community moderator. It was also discussed the establishment of women's and youth groups to the Centres and Clubs for community development, in order to cover the most vulnerable groups of society - young people and women and development activities in the direction of their defense. At the end of the workshop moderators discussed the ongoing work towards an assessment of the needs of each village of the pilot municipalities and a concrete plan of activities, taking into account the specifics of the settlements

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