
31.05.2013National Network for Children for the third consecutive year, presented the awards for contribution to the life and welfare of Bulgarian children Golden Apple


In 2013 National Network for Children for the third consecutive year, presented the awards for contribution to the life and welfare of Bulgarian children "Golden Apple." NNC created the "Golden Apple" awards to distinguish the contribution of public figures, organizations and institutions that have contributed to improving the lives and welfare of Bulgarian children. The awards aim to promote the need for special attention to children and respect for their rights at all levels of society and to promote best practices in all areas of children's lives and well-being.

The event was held on 29 May at 7 p.m. in the building of the Sofia Puppet Theatre. The ceremony was attended by members of the National Network for Children, including the Center "Amalipe" representatives of other leading NGOs in Bulgaria, institutions, large businesses, focusing on supporting projects for children.

Center "Amalipe" make nominations in the following categories:

1. Category "School" - Primary School "Vasil Levski" Vidrare, Municipality of Pravets for providing excellent facilities for the overall development of the children, promoting tolerance and non-discrimination on the basis of their ethnic origin, physical or mental disabilities;

2. Category "Business" - ET, Vladi-Iorgov Ralitza-Nadka Jorgova ", town of Ljaskovets managed by Marinella Koseva  for the dedication and support in organizing the" Green School "for children of primary school" L.Karavelov ", Kardam;

3. Category "Municipality" – Municipality of Etropole, Sofia region


We are very glad to announce that the nominated in the category "Municipality”, Municipality of Etropole received an award for its ongoing targeted policy support and assistance to families with children through the provision of free nursery schools, kindergartens and free lunch at school .


Congratulations Etropole!

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