
17.09.2013Each school will receive 27 000 levs of additional components in the formula of the delegated budget from 2014


Secretary of Education Krasimir Valtchev, Governor of Veliko Tarnovo district engineer G. Rachev , Mayor of Lyaskovec Dr. Ivelina Getsova, Head of RIE R. Licheva and the Chairman of Amalipe Deyan Kolev were guests at the opening of the new school year in school " Petko Rachev Slavejkov " in the village of Djuliunica .Djulunica.JPG

Mr. Valtchev read an address by the Minister of Education Prof. Klisarova . He did not hide his excitement and pleasantsurprise by the good look of the school, on the way it successfully trains Roma and Bulgarian children , becoming a model for other central schools.

Deyan Kolev welcomed the participants and stressed that the school in Djuliunica has managed to do something that many other schools failed in - to integrate Roma children after the closure of the school in the village of Dobri Dyal , introducing intercultural and interactive education without committing an outflow of Bulgarian students and dropout of Roma children. Amalipe helped and will continue to assist this process – by training teachers, assisting in the implementation of the EPA " Ethnic Folklore", helping to prevent any drop-out . Moderators of the Center for Community Development Strajitsa - Lěskovec also assist the school in dealing with Roma parents. Deyan Kolev said that schools in small towns should receive additional support to ensure quality of education and access to education. The Mayor of Lyaskovec and the school thanked Amalipe and gave strong desire for continuing cooperation.


In conversation with teachers Mr. Valtchev reported that from 2014 every school will receive as an initial minimum 27 000 levs per year. They will be provided by additional components in the formula for determining the delegated school budget . Thus, for the first time an additional component will be provided, that will be mandatory for all municipalities. This will give a single breath of air for small schools to which larger relative resources will be directed compared to current standard practice, which was  additional components not to be used and every funds to be redistributed based on number of students.

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