
01.10.2013Public Council at the District Governor of Veliko Tarnovo was set up


Public Council at the District Governor of Veliko Tarnovo was established on 25 September. The structure of the Public Council includes the Governor Georgy  Rachev , Deputy governors Stefan Stefanov and Andrey Iliev, the Secretary of the District Administration and more than 30 people , former governors, representatives of non-governmental organizations , universities , national representative social partner organizations. Center " Amalipe"  was presented by Dean Kolev.Obshtestven_savet1.JPG

At the meeting held on September 25, participants unanimously adopted the Rules of Procedure of the Public Council . They stipulate that the Council is a consultative body to the Governor of Veliko Tarnovo for cooperation in decision making, forming of positions , opinions and implement initiatives by the District Governor of Veliko Tarnovo for the development and implementation of public policies in favor of Bulgarian citizens in accordance with the principles of openness and transparency. The purpose of the Public Council is to convey the views of civil society on the general field of public works , environment and ecology , health, education, transport , youth activities and other issues of public importance .

Participants highlighted the main topics to be discussed  on the council meetings - the new programming period, the papers at municipal and regional level related to it, integrated intermunicipal projects, the highway "Hemus" crossing Veliko Tarnovo region , etc.

Deyan Kolev said that the Council should give a chance for civil society to be included on topics for which the legislature has failed to provide it: for example to provide opinions about solutions for closing / opening of schools, hospitals, other public institutions etc. Public council is suitable for wider participation of civil society in the preparation of regional strategies for Roma integration without taking the role of the Regional Council on Ethnic and Integration Issues .

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