
14.03.2014Eighth grade stays in primary education

Ministry of Education and Science seriously discuss "the new educational structure" and arguments against its adoption are very heavy. This was stated by Deputy Minister Nalbant in her speech at the opening of the National Meeting of municipal experts on education, held in Veliko Tarnovo from 12 to 14 March. The meeting was organized by the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria and Veliko Turnovo Municipality. It involved dozens of councilors, deputy mayors and experts from across the country.

Moving the eighth grade of primary to secondary education will seriously affect over 800 schools in rural areas and will lead to the closure of most of them, said Mrs. Nalbant. Nearly 600 schools were closed around the introduction of delegated budgets. This second wave will change the geographical map of Bulgaria, as urban areas without schools are rapidly depopulated. We can not afford that! , said
Deputy Minister Nalbant. She also use the fact that the European Union does not have a country where basic education is completed so early ( 7th grade ): in most European countries this is in ninth grade, only  several countries(including Bulgaria ) are acquiring primary education in 8 Grade. We need to create conditions for children to stay more years in school, and not vice versa, said Deputy Minister of education and science.

Another point that should be guaranteed is the clearance between the various stages of education. Profiling should not be early, but at appropriate age, said Mukaddes Nalbant. She also stressed that recently developped strategy for the development of pedagogical staff was a prerequisite to making the teaching profession regulated. This would allow Bulgarian teachers to be recognized as such in other European countries.

The majority of councilors strongly supported the maintaining of the current educational structure. Deyan Kolev from Center "Amalipe" stressed that
in 2006 the organization has insisted on eliminating the new educational structure from the National Programme for the development of school education,usiong the same arguments.Although a real debate was not held - despite dozens of organized forums. Kolev called Ministry of education and science to disclose the main ideas for the new school act and to be publicly discussed.

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