21.04.2009PLATFORM project was presented in Central North Region of Bulgaria
More than 40 people – representatives of municipal administrations and NGOs – took part in presentations of PLATFORM project in Central North Region of Bulgaria. They took place in the District Hall of Veliko Turnovo on April 9 and in Riga Hotel of Russe on April 10. Opportunities for free technical assistance in preparing projects for Roma integration provided within PLATFORM project were presented before all participants. Initial consultations for developing project ideas were also provided.
Both presentations were organized by Center Amalipe (partner of Open Society Institute – Sofia within PLATFORM project) and Open Society Club – Rousse (partner of Mikrofond Foundation within a similar project for providing technical assistance in preparing project for improving living conditions of Roma). Savelina Russinova, coordinator of the “Making the most of EU funds for Roma” initiative of OSI – Budapest (the initiative that finances both projects) took part of the presentations.
More information about PLATFORM project could found at: